Stomachic |
A stomachic medicine is one that serves to tone the stomach, improving its function and increasing appetite.
Plants having 'Stomachic' activity
| Carica papaya | Analgesic, amebicide, antibiotic, antibacterial, cardiotonic, cholagogue, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypotensive, laxative, pectoral, stomachic, vermifuge | | Carissa carandas | Bitter, anthelmintic, stomachic and antiscorbutic (roots); astringent and antiscorbutic (ripe fruits); constipating, anaphrodisiac, appetizer and antipyretic (unripe fruits) | | Carmona retusa | Stomachic and antidiarrhoeal (leaves); febrifuge (infusion of leaves). | | Cassia abbreviata | Purgative, stomachic, aphrodisiac, abortifacient and vermifuge (roots); purgative and abortifacient (stem bark); tonic (seed) | | Casuarina equisetifolia | | | Catharanthus roseus | Antitumor and depresses the central nervous system. Bitter, acidic, sedative, as stomachic, tranquilizer and as tonic (root) | | Caylusea abyssinica | Anthelminthic and stomachic (leaves) | | Celtis australis | Alleviates spasms (fruit); astringent, lenitive and stomachic (leaves and fruits). | | Centaurium erythraea | Appetizer, aromatic, bitter, cholagogue, diaphoretic, digestive, emetic, weakly febrifuge, hepatic, stomachic and tonic (herb) | | Centratherum anthelminticum | Spermicidal and antiviral (50% EtOH seed extract), antimicrobial (Sharma), anthelmintic, febrifuge, tonic, stomachic and diuretic. | | Chamomilla recutita | Anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, sedative, stomachic, tonic and vasodilator (flower infuison) | | Chenopodium ambrosioides | Analgesic, antiasthmatic, carminative, stomachic and vermifuge (whole plant); carminative (leaves). | | Chrysanthemum coronarium | Laxative (plant and bark); stimulates secretion of gastric juices and insecticidal (flower); purgative (bark); aromatic, bitter and stomachic (flowers) | | Chrysophyllum africanum | Stomachic and carminative (bark infusion) | | Citrus aurantium | Laxative (fruit); antifungal (essential oil); stimulant (flower); aromatic stimulant (peel); stomachic and antiscorbutic (leaves, peel and flowers); emmenagogue (peel decoction). | | Citrus limon | Carminative and stomachic and stimulates the secretion of gastric juices (peel); antibacterial and reduces fever (juice); rubefacient and stimulant (oil); repels insects (peel). | | Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis | | | Citrus reticulata | Antiemetic, aphrodisiac, astringent, laxative and tonic (fruit); analgesic, antiasthmatic, anticholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antitussive, carminative, expectorant, stomachic (pericarp); carminative and expectorant (endocarp); analgesic and carminative (seed) | | Clausena harmandiana | Used as an antipyretic, antiflatulent and stomachic (decoction of roots) | | Clausena lansium | Stomachic, coolant, and anthelmintic (ripe fruit); antiinflammatory (plant) | | |