An undershrub, 1—5(—8) m tall. Rachis 15—55 cm long, leaflets 5—7(—13), largest ones in the upper half, ovate-oblong, 4—8(—25) cm x 2—7(—15) cm, base obtuse to cuneate, apex acute to acuminate, margin entire or crenulate, glabrous or hairy, veins prominent beneath. Panicle terminal, conical, compact, little branched in upper part, 3—35 cm x 2—25 cm; flowers usually 5-merous, subsessile, calyx minute, large gland at base of lobes, usually glabrous, petals ovate, 3—4 mm long, pale green to yellowish-white, stamens 10, gland at connective, gynophore short, ovary rounded, glandular, sometimes with a few hairs, style thick, up to 1 mm long, persistent. Berry ovoid, up to 1.5 cm long, reddish-purple, glabrous or thinly hairy, 1—3-seeded. |