Diuretic |
A diuretic is a substance that increases the secretion, flow, and expulsion of urine.
Plants having 'Diuretic' activity
| Ilex aquifolium | Diaphoretic, expectorant, febrifuge and tonic (leaves); emetic and purgative (berries); diuretic (root) | | Ilex paraguariensis | Diuretic, depurative, and a general tonic to relieve mental and physical fatigue (mate) | | Ilex vomitoria | Depurative, diuretic, emetic, hallucinogen and laxative. | | Illicium verum | Oestrogenic agent, antibacterial, carminative, diuretic, odontalgic, stimulant, and stomachic (fruits); stimulant, antiseptic, stomachic, carminative, mildly expectorant and gastrointestinal spasmolytic (plant essential oil). | | Inula britannica | Antibacterial, carminative, cholagogue, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, stomachic and tonic (flowers); discutient, resolvent and vulnerary (root). | | Inula japonica | Discutient and vulnerary (leaves); alterative, antibacterial, carminative, cholagogue, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, nervine, stomachic, tonic and vulnerary (flowers); discutient, resolvent and vulnerary (roots) | | Inula racemosa | Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antihistaminic, expectorant, anthelmintic, carminative, diuretic and febrifuge. | | Ipomoea digitata | Aphrodisiac, demulcent, stimulates the secretion and/or flow of milk and the flow of bile and tonic; nutritive, expectorant and diuretic (decoction); tonic, alterative,
aphrodisiac, demulcent, lactagogue and cholagogue (resin of root) | | Ipomoea nil | The seed is anthelmintic, diuretic, antifungal and laxative; hypoglycemic (in rats) (plant); toxic to mice; anthelmintic, anticholinergic, antifungal, antispasmodic, antitumour, diuretic and laxative (seeds) | | Ipomoea pes-caprae | The plant is mucilaginous, astringent, stomachic, alterative, tonic, diuretic and laxative counteracts or neutralizes the effects of histamine (essential leaf oil); analgesic (plant) | | Iris germanica | The root is diuretic, emetic, expectorant and mildly purgative. Induces a decline in smooth muscle activity (in vitro) and alleviates spasms (aqueous plant extract); promotes nasal discharge and reduces fever (rhizome). | | Iris kumaonensis | Diuretic, alleviates spasms and analgesic (plant); reduces fever (leaf and root); analgesic, anthelmintic and vermifuge (seeds) | | Iris nepalensis | Diuretic, aperient, deobstruent and purgative (root); sedative type of effect on the heart (e.g.. reduces force of the contraction and the heart rate). | | Iris versicolor | Emetic, diuretic and cathartic (dried root); alterative, anti-inflammatory, cathartic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic and sialagogue (root) | | Jasminum grandiflorum | | | Jatropha curcas | Very toxic (seed); diuretic and depresses the central nervous system (aerial part). | | Juglans regia | The leaves are alterative, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and depurative. The seeds are antilithic, diuretic and stimulant; anthelmintic (leaf, unripe shell, green hull, bark and fruit oil); antisyphilis (unripe shell and green hull); cleansing (bark and leaf); restores health (bark, fruit and leaf); laxative (fruit oil) | | Juniperus communis | Diuretic, stimulates the flow of bile and the appetite. | | Juniperus sabina | Abortifacient, diuretic, emetic, powerfully emmenagogue, irritant and anthelmintic (young shoots) | | Jussiaea repens | Depurative, diuretic and febrifuge. | | |