Purgative |
A purgative is a drastic laxative causing a cleansing or watery evacuation of the bowels, usually with a griping pain.
Plants having 'Purgative' activity
| Senecio vulgaris | Dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea and also as a diaphoretic, tonic, anthelmintic, antiscorbutic, diuretic, emmenagogue and purgative (plant) | | Senna didymobotrya | Purgative and anthelminthic. | | Senna surattensis | | | Solanum dulcamara | Alterative, anodyne, depurative, mildly diuretic, emetic, expectorant, hepatic, mildly narcotic and purgative (whole plant) | | Solanum nigrum | The whole plant is antiperiodic, antiphlogistic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge, narcotic, purgative and sedative; diuretic (leaf); extracts of the plant are analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilator. | | Solena amplexicaulis | Antiinflammatory (leaf); stimulant and purgative (root); diuretic, stimulates the central nervous system and hypothermic (aerial part). | | Spilanthes acmella | Kills mosquito larvae (flower); alleviates spasms and stimulates the cardiovascular system (plant); purgative (roots). | | Tagetes minuta | Anthelmintic, antispasmodic, aromatic, diaphoretic, diuretic, purgative and stomachic (whole plant) | | Taxus baccata | All parts of the plant, except the fleshy fruit, are antispasmodic, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, narcotic and purgative; cardiotonic and abortifacient (leaf); anticancer (bark); “hypothesmic activity” (aerial part); antispasmodic and sedative (fruit and leaf); narcotic and toxic (leaf. young aerial part and shoot) | | Tephrosia vogelii | Abortifacient, bactericide, emetic, and purgative (plant); anthelmintic (weak infusion of leaves) | | Thalictrum foliolosum | Laxative, antiperiodic, aperient, purgative and diuretic (root); alleviates spasms (plant). | | Thevetia peruviana | Emetic (decoction of bark or leaves); purgative, violent emetic and abortifacient (seeds); cardiotonic (purified thevetin from seed). | | Trichosanthes anguina | Cardian tonic and anti-febrile, emetic, useful in restoring the disordered processes of nutrition, creates a cooling effect in the body, root is purgative and tonic. Anthelmintic, purgative and emetic (fruit) | | Trichosanthes tricuspidata | Purgative and emetic (leaves, shoots and fruits). | | Vernicia montana | | | Vernonia hymenolepis | Purgative (root decoction) | | Viola tricolor | Anodyne, antiasthmatic, anti-inflammatory, cardiac, demulcent, depurative, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, laxative, vulnerary stimulant, diaphoretic and diuretic (plant); emetic and purgative (root) | | Viscum album | Sedative, antispasmodic, cardiac, cytostatic, diuretic, hypotensive, narcotic, nervine, stimulant, tonic, vasodilator, emetic, anticancer and has a positve effect on arteriosclerosis (aerial part and leaf); hypotensive (leaf, wood and bark); diuretic and laxative (fruit); cardiotonic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and purgative (fruit, leaf, wood and bark). | | Waltheria indica | Abortifacient, laxative, febrifugal, purgative and emollient (plant); hypothermic and sedative (plant-low dosage); excitedness (plant-high dosage); antisyphilitic (root) | | Wedelia biflora | Stomachic (root); emmenagogue, diuretic and slightly purgative (decoction of the fresh roots); diuretic (leaves); vulnerary and antiperiodic (decoction of leaves); violent purgative (flowers) | | |