Be-still tree (USA), Devil-pepper, Four-leaf devil-pepper, Four-leaved devil pepper, Milkbush.
Rauvolfia canescens L., Rauvolfia tomentosa
General Info
A small, much-branched woody shrub, 0.6 to 1.2 m high. Leaves whorled, ovate-elliptic. Flowers greenish-white or creamy white in umbellate cymes. Fruits (drupes) ovoid, deep red or purple when ripe; seeds oblong, rugose.
Herb Effects
Hypotensive and sedative (root); stimulates the central nervous and cardiovascular systems (plant).
The roots are hypotensive and sedative. An extract of the plant mixed with castor oil is prescribed as a liniment to treat certain chronic and refractory skin ailments.
Chandel et al., Biodiversity in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India.