Elecampane. Scabwort. Elf Dock. Wild Sunflower. Horseheal and Velvet Dock
General Info
Perennial sturdy plant containing a large succulent aromatic rhizome giving off large succulent roots. Leaves contain a gray felt on the underside; leaves on the stem are toothed and sessile and at the base they are stalked and have a rosette arrangement.
Herb Effects
Stimulates the flow of bile, aids in digestion, antispasmodic and inhibits expression of HIV p24 antigen.
Active Ingredients
Azulene and sesquiterpenic lactones (essential oil), inulin (which yields levulin and then levulose), triterpenes, alantolactone, iso-alantolactone, alantolic acid and alantol.
Medicinal Use
In bronchitis, colds, coughs, emphysema and gastrointestinal disturbances also for diabetes (due to the high inulin content).
Cantrell CL. Abate L. Fronczek FR. Franzblau SG. Quijano L. Fischer NH. Antimycobacterial eudesmanolides from Inula helenium and Rudbeckia subtomentosa. Planta Med1999 May;65(4):351-5.
Grieve M. A Modern Herbal. 1931 (www.botanical.com).