A handsome evergreen tree, 30-80 ft. in height and 6 ft. in girth, with a dense rounded crown. Leaf oblong-lanceolate, 8-14 in. long and 2-4 in. broad, with pointed apex and toothed margin; the upper part of the leaf as well as the veins beneath are covered with hairs. Flower large, 5-8 in. diam., white, fragrant and solitary. Fruit large, 3-5 in. diam., hard, consisting of 5 closely fitting imbricate sepals enclosing numerous seeds embedded in a glutinous pulp. Seed small, compressed reniform with hairy margins.
Herb Effects
Astringent (leaf and bark); hypothermic and stimulates the cardiovascular and central nervous systems (leaf); antimicrobial (seed extract); tonic and laxative (fruit)