DaXingAnLing Slim Belle Ingredient Co., Ltd. (info2 at slimbelleingredient dot com)
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(info2 at slimbelleingredient dot com)
Active ingredient: Fucoxanthin
content: [10%]
detection method: UV
Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid, with formula C42H58O6. It exists in many kinds of alga, marine phytoplankton, hydrophily testacean animals.
It is brown yellow powder, and we can see it with our naked eyes. It is easily soluble in ethanol. There are three main application:
1. It can be used in Food coloring agents.
2. It has strong anti-diabetes effects. By a separate biological mechanism, it appears to kill prostate cancer cells in culture.
3. It can promote weight loss by reducing the accumulation of fat and other health foods.
This product has already normal enterprise NO: QKLE03-2005.