An evergreen tree attaining in the E. Himalaya a height of 60 m. Shoots red-brown, deeply grooved, pubescent in the grooves. Buds large, globose, resinous. Needles on the upper side of the shoot arranged in several ranks, leaving a V-shaped depression between them, 2-6 cm long, with emarginate apex; upper surface dark green and glossy, with 2 broad stomata bands beneath. Cones cylindrical, 14-20 cm long and about 7 cm thick, violet-purple when young, later brown; seed scales 1.5-2 cm wide; bract scales concealed.
A resin from the tree is mixed with oil of roses and applied externally to relieve symptoms of neuralgia. The juice of the fresh leaves is given to infants suffering from fever and chest infection and also during dentition.
Chandel et al., Biodiversity in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India