It is an aquatic floating herb. The stem is long, flexuous and ascending in water. Leaves are crowded in the upper part of the stem, petiolate, rhomboid with a truncate base, entire, acute, glaucous above, villous-tomentose beneath and reddish-purple. The flowers are white. The fruits which ripen under water are dark brown, obovoid, woody and horned by 2 lateral boes which get enlarged and hardened and are one-seeded. The seeds are white and starchy.
Herb Effects
Cooling and stomachic (seeds); refrigerant (fruits)
Useful in diarrhoea and bilious affections with diarrhoea (fruits); with milk fruits are used in nervous and general debility; seminal weakness and leucorrhoea; used beneficially in eye diseases and as poultice it acts as an agent for resolution of tumors (stem juice).