Yellow or Pale Gentian. Gentian. Bitter Root and Bitterwort
General Info
Large perennial herb with a long very thick and yellowish-brown root and a pair of leaves opposite to each other at each node; the lowest leaves have stalks around them.
Herb Effects
Stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, promotes or stimulates the flow of bile and reduces fever.
Active Ingredients
An uncrystallizable sugar, gentiopicrin, gentiin, gentiamarin (latter three are glucosides), pectin and a small amount of volatile oil.
Medicinal Use
As a bitter tonic, stimulating and strengthening the gastrointestinal tract and other areas of the body, in debility, gout, cancer, ague, catarrhal gastritis, indigestion, heartburn, fainting, jaundice, podagra, stomachache, vomiting and wounds.
Bentley and Trimen, Medicinal Plants.
El-Sedawy AI. Hattori M. Kobashi K. Namba T. Metabolism of gentiopicroside (gentiopicrin) by human intestinal bacteria. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo)1989 Sep;37(9):2435-7. Grieve M. A Modern Herbal. 1931 (