A wide spread fan palm, grows up to more than 15 feet in height. Stems are stout, roughened with fallen leaf scars, clustered, 2 to 3 meters high, 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. Leaves are about 1 meter across, deeply divided, 9- to 13-partite, and horizontally spreading fan shaped. Spadix is a axially, elongated, with the branches adnate to the orifice of the spathes, ultimately with many finely pubescent, densely flowered spikes. Flowers are sessile, placed in two rows or three, small and nearly oval shape; calyx is suboval, divided at the middle into three rounded teeth; corolla is a little longer than the calyx and is divided below the middle into three broad, lanceolate segments. Fruit is obovoid, and 5 to 8 millimeters long, pedicelled by the calyx tube; red when mature, and one-seeded. Seed is ovoid, with horny albumen on a transverse section, horseshoe-shaped. |