Yellow Himalayan raspberry, Golden evergreen raspberry
Rubus flavus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, Rubus gowreephul Roxb.
General Info
An evergreen climber or shrub with ascending branches, canes with bristly reddish hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets +/- broad-elliptic, mostly 2-6 cm long, 1.5-5 cm wide, apex and base rounded, margins finely and regularly toothed, upper surface +/- glabrous, lower surface densely grey-tomentose; petiole 2-4 cm long; lateral petiolules 2-3 mm long, terminal petiolule 10-25 mm long. Flowers in terminal or axillary panicles; sepals 4-6 mm long; petals longer than sepals, white. Fruit c. 10 mm diam., yellow.
Herb Effects
Astringent and febrifuge (plant); as a renal tonic and antidiuretic (inner bark)
Used in the treatment of fevers, gastric troubles, diarrhoea and dysentery (juice of root); applied externally to wounds (root paste); for treating colics (roots and young shoots); in the treatment of fever, colic, coughs and sore throat (fruit juice); in the treatment of weakening of the senses, vaginal/seminal discharge, polyuria and micturation during sleep (inner bark).