A large perennial twiner, 5—30 m long, rarely precumbent, stems terete, fistulose or pithy, glabrous, with milky juice, tuber large. Leaves peltate, broadly ovate to orbicular, 7—30 cm in diameter, base rounded, apex acuminate, mucronulate, petiole 3—20 cm long. Flowers in a 2—many-flowered corymb up to 40 cm long, peduncles 1—2 together, stout, bracts caducous; flower-buds narrowly ovoid, acute, pedicel 1.5—2.5 cm long, clavate in fruit, sepals subequal, 15—25 mm long, outer ones broadly ovate, apex obtuse, corolla broadly funnel-shaped, 4.5—6 cm long, shallowly lobed, white, sometimes yellow, corolla inside above the insertion of filaments with a semi-circular thickening, filaments dilated and hairy in lower part, anthers spirally twisted, hairy. Capsule ovoid. Seed densely yellowish to dark brown, tomentose. |