Justicia japonica Thunb., Justicia simplex D. Don, Rostellularia procumbens (L.) Nees
General Info
A herb up to 50 cm tall, with erect or procumbent to ascending, quadrangular stems, often diffusely branched. Leaves elliptical-ovate to lanceolate-elliptical, 1-5 cm x 0.5-2.5 cm, with up to 1(-1.5) cm long petiole. Inflorescence a spike; bracts obovate to elliptical-ovate or linear-lanceolate, 4-5 mm long; flowers 8-10 mm long, pink or purplish-pink. Fruit oblong, 3-5 mm long, hairy to glabrescent.
Herb Effects
Acts as an astringent, alterative, expectorant, laxative and diuretic (leaves)
Used to cure certain eruptions of the skin (leaves); to treat asthma, coughs, rheumatism, backache and flatulence (infusion or decoction of leaves); to treat ophthalmia (leaf juice); to treat fever, pain due to pharyngo-laryngeal swelling and cancer (whole plant).