An erect, robust shrub to small tree, 1.5—4 m tall, densely covered with greyish, stellate hairs. Leaves orbicular to broadly ovate, 10—25 cm long, base cordate, apex pointed, mostly 5-lobed, lobes triangular, coarsely serrate-dentate, pubescent. Bracteoles of epicalyx 7—10, linear, shorter than the calyx tube, calyx 3—4 cm long, with 5 oblong-ovate lobes, connate below, corolla large, 10—12 cm in diameter, petals 5—7 cm long, single or double, corolla white in the morning, with or without a purple centre, colouring red in the afternoon, stigma yellow or white. Seed ovoid, pubescent, hairs 2—4 mm long. |