A deciduous, moderate-sized tree, 6 to 10 metres in height. Leaves, alternate, broad, ovate, membranous, 12.92 cm long, 14.16 cm broad, having reticulate pinnate venation and dentate margin; dark green and rough on the upper surface, light green and tomentose on the lower surface. Flowers, unisexual, cyclic, greenish white, very small; the fleshy receptacle forms a hollow cavity, with an apical opening, guarded by scales, and the flowers are borne on the inner walls of the cavity; both the male and female flowers are present within the same receptacle; the male flowers generally develop at the apical pore, whereas the female flowers develop towards the base of the receptacle; the sepals and petals are modified into scales, and are mostly four; ovary, ovoid, smooth, having a very short style; receptacle, axillary, more or less globose. Fruit, syconoid, developing from the hollow, globose, fleshy receptacle, average diameter 2.58 cm, weight, 6.08 g, volume, 5.94 ml, colour varying from deep violet to black; colour of the juice, tyran rose 24. Seeds, numerous, round and very small. |