Amyris anisata Willd., Clausena willdenowii Wight & Arn., Clausena dentata (Willd.) M. Roem., Clausena dunniana H. Lév.
General Info
A shrub, 1—2(—10) m tall. Leaves pinnately compound with 10-17 alternate or sub-opposite leaflets and a terminal leaflet. The leaves are densely dotted with glands and have a strong scent when crushed. Inflorescence a branched axillary spray; flowers small but attractive, white with orange-yellow stamens. Berry ovoid, 8-15 mm long, red or dark violet, usually glabrous, 1—3-seeded.
Herb Effects
As anthelmintic (decoction of leaves); antiseptic and analgesic (crushed leaves); as a tonic by pregnant women (root decoction).
Used internally for colds, rheumatism, and arthritis, and externally for sprain, contusion and fractures (leaves and roots); to cure gastro-intestinal disorders, fever, headache and sinusitis (decoction of leaves); applied on wounds, for toothache and other mouth infections, sores and burns (crushed leaves); to control convulsions in children (root decoction).