Brucea sumatrana Roxb.,Brucea amarissima (Lour.) Desv. ex Gomes
General Info
A monoecious or dioecious shrub or small tree up to 10 m tall with soft-haired twigs and leaves. Leaves are pinnate with 4 to 6 pairs of leaflets. Inflorescence is axillary, pubescent, composed of small cymes united into bracteate, raceme-like thyrses. Flowers are small, purple, 4 petaled, appearing in axillary panicles in summer. Fruit is a black berry containing a single, flat seed.
Herb Effects
Febrifuge and cholagogue (roots); analgesic, antipyretic and haemostatic (fruits); astringent and anthelmintic (stem bark); depurative (leaves and roots)
Used against amoebic dysentery, diarrhoea, malaria, haemorrhoids, corns, warts, ulcers and cancer (pyrenes and roots); applied as a poultice against enlarged spleen, scurf, scabies, ringworm, boils and centipede bites (leaves); to treat abdominal pains, coughs and as an important remedy for internal poisoning (decoction of the roots); in the treatment of haemoptysis, inflammations, laryngitis, snakebite, stomach-ache and traumatic fractures (decoction of leaves and roots); to treat toothache (bark and roots); for Malaria (ripe fruits).
Not taken where there is digestive weakness, nausea, vomiting, pregnancy, and Not given to children.