Abutilon graveolens (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Wight & Arn. ex Wight
General Info
A subshrub which grows 1-2.5m tall; entire plant hispidulous, and with long, spreading hairs. Leaves are viscid heart shaped, softly hairy below, finely serrated, 4-10cm long. Flowers are solitary and yellow; calyx of 5 ovate sepals; petals5, inside base purplish. Fruits are truncate, with 10-13 mm long calyx. Seed is completely or partly covered with short, patent, white hairs.
Herb Effects
Laxative and expectorant (seeds); demulcent (leaves); antipyretic (roots); demulcent and diuretic (infusion leaves or roots); astringent and diuretic (bark).
Used as a poultice to ease the pain of kidney gravel and often mixed with glutinous rice and applied to ulcers and boils (leaves); in toothache and tender gums and given internally for inflammation of bladder (decoction of leaves); applied to abscesses (leaves or flowers); to relieve cough and toothache (roots); in fever, chest affections, and urethritis (infusion leaves or roots); for treating piles, chronic cystitis, gleet and gonorrhoea (seeds).