A timber tree that grows to a height to 15m with a girth of 60cm. Bole is scaly and soft. Bark is gray. Wood is yellow. Stems are quadrangular and 8mm in diameter. Leaves are compound, exstipulate, and decussate. Rachis is 30cm long and winged at the internodes, which are about 5cm long. Folioles are subopposite, 20cm × 6cm – 17cm × 5.5cm – 13.5cm × 4cm – 12cm × 4cm – 10cm × 3cm, lanceolate, and membranaceous. Blade shows about 21 pairs of secondary nerves that are conspicuous below. Inflorescences are axillary cymes on 7.5cm-long pedicels. Fruits are tiny spiny capsules that are 5mm in diameter.
Herb Effects
Antipyretic (leaves)
Medicinal Use
Used to mitigate toothache, to reduce fever and to remove ringworm infections (leaves).
Christophe Wiart. Medicinal Plants of Asia and the Pacific, P:284-285, CRC Press, June 2006.