Gmelina villosa Roxb., Gmelina asiatica L.. var. villosa [Roxb.] Bakh.
General Info
A tree that grows to a height of 9m. Stem is 3mm in diameter and minutely velvety and lenticelled. Leaves are simple, exstipulate, and decussate. The petiole is 2.9cm long, slender, and channeled above. Blade is broadly elliptical, papery, 8cm × 5cm – 9cm × 5.4cm – 5.3cm × 2cm, and shows four pairs of secondary nerves. Inflorescences are axillary and 4.5cm long. Fruit is globose, 8mm in diameter, that starts out green ripening to yellow.
Herb Effects
Antipyretic, analgesic and rubefacient (plant); hypoglycemic (root)
Used as ear drops to assuage earaches (juice of fresh leaves and fruits); to calm itchiness and is rubbed in combination with lime and garlic to reduce dropsy (fruit); applied to the head to assuage headaches and to prevent alopecia (paste of the plant); applied externally to wounds (leaves or roots)
Christophe Wiart. Medicinal Plants of Asia and the Pacific, P:283-284, CRC Press, June 2006.