Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merr. & Rolfe, Dracontomelon mangiferum Bl.
General Info
A resinous tree that grows to a height of 36m with a girth of 2.4m. Crown is rounded and dense. Bole is straight and buttressed. Bark is grayish-brown, and the inner bark is pink. Stems are covered with a few rusty hairs at the apex. Leaves are spiral, imparipinnate, and exstipulate. Rachis is 30–45cm long and shows 5–8 pairs of folioles which are 4cm – 22.5cm × 2.5cm × 7.5 cm. Apex is pointed, the base is round and shows 10–15 pairs of secondary nerves with hairy domatia at the axil. Petiolules are 3m long. Inflorescences are up to 60cm hanging in lax panicles. Flowers are tiny, 5-lobed, white, and fragrant. Androecium comprises 10 stamens opposite the sepals. Gynaecium consists of five carpels which are partially
united. Fruits are globose, 2.5–3.8cm in diameter, with green drupes turning yellow with oval markings on the upper side of the fruit.
Used to cool, to calm itchiness, to cure internal ulceration, as an antidote for poisoning, used to soothe sore throat and inflammation of the skin (fruits); as a drink which will expel the membrane enveloping the fetus in the womb (bark).
Christophe Wiart. Medicinal Plants of Asia and the Pacific, P:179, CRC Press, June 2006.