A shrub that grows to 8m tall and has yellow sap; Stems are hairy. Leaves are pinnate and exstipulate. Rachis is 22.5cm, grooved, and has 2–5 pairs of folioles. Petiolules are swollen and grooved. Folioles are elliptical and lanceolate, and show 12 pairs of secondary nerves; they measure 21cm ×
5.8cm – 26cm × 6cm – 25cm × 7cm. Flowers are white to pink, fragrant, hairy, and measure 10cm long. Sepals are hairy outside. Androecium consists of eight stamens. Gynaecium is hairy. Fruits are smooth to warty, green turning yellow, velvety, with 3 trilobed capsules which are 3.75cm long and enclose three seeds. A small persistent calyx is present.
Herb Effects
Antisudorific (leaves)
Medicinal Use
Used to alleviate cough (juice of leaves)
Christophe Wiart. Medicinal Plants of Asia and the Pacific, P: 173, CRC Press, June 2006.