Chamaelirium carolinianum Willd., Veratrum luteum L.
General Info
A perennial herbaceous plant which can reach 120cm in height. The leaves are alternate. Leaves can reach 15cm in length (6inches). Each leaf is entire. The upper leaves are small and narrow while the lower leaves are larger and wider, the basal leaves tending to be obovate. The flowers have 6 Regular Parts. They are white. Blooms first appear in mid spring and continue into late spring. Male and female flowers are on separate plants. The small flowers are in dense terminal spikes. The male spike reaches 13cm (5"), tapers and often droops at the tip. The female seldom reaches 5cm (2") and is blunt.
Herb Effects
Adaptogen, diuretic, emetic, uterine tonic and vermifuge (root)
For the female reproductive system and has proved to be a beneficial remedy for menstrual problems, ovarian cysts and also help in the menopause (herb); amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and leucorrhoea and also for a variety of ailments associated with the male and female reproductive organs (root)