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International Legume Database & Information Service

This database has good litrature references, geographic info and uses.

Species 2000

Grand Project to index all the worlds species!

New Plant Page

This database put together by the New Ornamentals Society, this lists a whole stack of new cultivars of ornamental plants, with links to of suppliers and links to articles about the plants

Time Life's Virtual Garden

3000 species with photo's, descriptions of the plant and some growing info.

Home Horticulture

At Michigan State University Extension, lots of articles on topics like growing Hickory, and specific plants pests and diseases. Plus loads of pictures.

International Phytocomputing Society

Devoted to PC-bassed plant databases and other plant/gardening software. Has A list of several CD ROM's.


Medicinal details on a dozen of the more well know herbal plants, extensive citations from MedLine's Plant Encyclopaedia

A nice database geared to the gardener with photos and basic info. Good for pests and problems of plants. Not so much on the uses of plants.

Experimental Biodiversity Information System

An attempt to provide a common standard for bio-diversity information using the Z39.50 standard. It looks likely the PFAF database might be converted to run under this standard.

Worldwide Botanical Knowledge Base

This is not a database as yet, but some intresting ideas on XML etc.

Useful Wild Plants

Publish an encyclopedia of The Useful Wild Plants of Texas, the Southeastern and Southwestern United States, the Southern Plains, and Northern Mexico. Not online, but an intresting wild plant quiz.

Anglo-Saxon Plant-Name Survey

This has details of old names used for plants.

A Guide to Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbs and Chinese Herbal Medicine Made in USA

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white sapphire
Lutein powder
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ayurvedic products
Herbal Extracts
Horny Goat Weed
Ginkgo Biloba leaf

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