Sedative |
A sedative is a drug that induces sleep and has a calming effect, reducing anxiety and tension.
Plants having 'Sedative' activity
| Polygonatum biflorum | Analgesic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, astringent, depurative, emetic, laxative, sedative, tonic, vulnerary. | | Polygonatum odoratum | Antiperiodic, antitussive, cardiotonic, demulcent, diuretic, energizer, hypoglycaemic, ophthalmic, resolvent, sedative and tonic (root); diuretic and stimulant (infusion of roots) | | Polygonum hydropiper | Stimulant, hemostatic, sedative, diuretic, styptic, emmenagogue and lithontriptic (plant); antiovulatory, stimulant, diuretic, carminative, tonic and anthelmintic and antifertility (root); anti-inflammatory, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant, stomachic, styptic, antibiotic and cytotoxic (leaf); carminative, diuretic and stimulant (seed) | | Polygonum multiflorum | Antibacterial, anticholesterolemic, antispasmodic, astringent, cardiotonic, demulcent, depurative, hypoglycaemic, laxative, sedative, tonic (root and stem); deobstruent and sedative (stem); antipyretic, antitumour, hypoglycaemic and sedative (plant extract) | | Pouteria sapota | Used as a sedative in ear and eye ailments, and as a skin tonic and hair revitalizer (seed); anthelminthic and emetic (sap from the bark). | | Primula veris | Anodyne, diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant (flowers, leaves); antispasmodic and sedative (yellow corolla of the flower); mildly diuretic, antirheumatic and slows the clotting of blood (root) | | Primula vulgaris | Antispasmodic, vermifuge, emetic, astringent, sedative, anodyne, anti-inflammatory and febrifuge | | Prunella vulgaris | Antirheumatic, antiseptic, hypothermic and antidiuretic (plant); mouth antiseptic (plant infusion); hypotensive, antiviral, analgesic, antidiarrheal, antiemetic, antispasmodic, astringent, purifies the blood, carminative, laxative, diuretic, emetic and sedative. | | Prunus armeniaca | Antiinflammatory and antiseptic (salted fruit); antipyretic, antiseptic, emetic, ophthalmic; analgesic, anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, antitussive, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, pectoral, sedative and vulnerary (seed) | | Prunus cerasus | Astringent, bitter and febrifuge (bark); analgesic, anticancer, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, astringent, diuretic, hematonic, pectoral, sedative, tonic (berry) | | Prunus laurocerasus | Antispasmodic, narcotic and sedative (fresh leaves) | | Prunus persica | Demulcent, sedative, diuretic and expectorant action (leaves, bark, flowers and kernels); vermicidal and insecticidal (leaf); diuretic, sedative and vermifuge (flowers); alterative, astringent, demulcent and sedative (gum from the stems); antiasthmatic, antitussive, emollient, haemolytic, laxative and sedative (seeds); demulcent, diuretic, expectorant and sedative (bark). | | Prunus serotina | Antitussive, astringent, pectoral, sedative, stomachic and tonic (bark of the root, trunk and branches); expectorant and mild sedative (root bark and the aromatic inner bark); astringent (fruit) | | Pulsatilla chinensis | Anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent and sedative (root) | | Pyrola rotundifolia | Antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cardiotonic, contraceptive, diuretic, poultice, sedative and tonic (leaves) | | Ranunculus acris | Acrid, anodyne, antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, antihermorrhagic, diaphoretic, rubefacient (plant); sedative (plant sap) | | Rauvolfia serpentina | Hypotensive, anthelmintic, sedative and aids in contracting the uterus (root). | | Rauvolfia tetraphylla | Hypotensive and sedative (root); stimulates the central nervous and cardiovascular systems (plant). | | Rauvolfia verticillata | Hypertensive and sedative (root). | | Rhododendron molle | Analgesic, anaesthetic and sedative (flowers) | | |