Astringent |
An astringent is a substance that tends to shrink or constrict body tissues, usually locally after topical medicinal application.
Plants having 'Astringent' activity
| Macrotyloma uniflorum | Astringent, diuretic and tonic (seeds) | | Madhuca longifolia | Fresh juice of the plant is alterative, while the spirit distilled from the flowers is powerful stimulant, astringent, tonic and appetiser. Flowers are cooling demulcent, expectorant, tonic nutritive and stimulant, antidiabetic and hypotensive (bark); antibacterial (aerial part); spermicide (seed); astringent (bark and flower). | | Magnolia denudata | Carminative and diaphoretic (flower buds and the seeds); antifungal, astringent, cytotoxic, hypotensive and a uterine stimulant (flower buds); anodyne and sedative (plant) | | Majorana hortensis | Stimulant, expectorant, tonic, increases the flow and/or secretion of milk, antiasthmatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, stomachic and mildly tonic (plant); antimicrobial (essential oil); astringent (leaves and seeds); stimulant, sudorific, emmenagogue and galactagogue (plant infusion) | | Mallotus philippensis | Anticancer, antibacterial and hypoglycemic (fruit); inhibits pregnancy, anthelmintic, astringent and laxative (outer covering of fruit capsule). | | Malpighia glabra | Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antioxidant and astringent (fruits) | | Malva sylvestris | All parts of the plant are antiphlogistic, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, laxative, salve, antiseptic and hypothermic. | | Mangifera indica | Astringent (bark and flower); restores and invigorates mucous membranes (bark); Diuretic, antiinflammatory, cardiotonic, promotes the formation and/or secretion of bile and antibacterial (against gram-positive strains). | | Melastoma malabathricum | Alleviates spasms, astringent (plant) | | Melastoma sanguineum | Astringent (roots and fruits) | | Mentha aquatica | Anodyne, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, antitussive, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emetic, emmenagogue, refrigerant, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vasodilator (leaves) | | Mentha citrata | Stimulant and astringent (leaf); antifungal and antibacterial (essential oil); anodyne, antiseptic, antipyretic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, refrigerant, stomachic, tonic, vasodilator (leaves and flowering plants) | | Mentha longifolia | Astringent, antirheumatic and carminative (leaf); antibacterial (essential oil); Antihypertensive, carminative, antiseptic and stimulant (plant) | | Menyanthes trifoliata | Anti-inflammatory, astringent, carminative, cathartic, deobstruent, digestive, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypnotic, stomachic, tonic (plant) | | Merremia tridentata | Acts as purgative, astringent and tonic (whole plant); anthelminthic, diuretic and antibilious (roasted seeds). | | Mesua ferrea | Astringent, antiinflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and anthelmintic. | | Michelia champaca | Febrifuge, stimulant, astringent, expectorant (bark); purgative and emmenagogue (root and root bark); stimulant, antispasmodic, tonic, stomachic, carminative, bitter and cooling (flowers and fruits). | | Mimusops elengi | Kills sperm and alleviates spasms (seed), diuretic (aerial part), astringent, tonic, antipyretic. | | Mitchella repens | Astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, hypnotic, parturient and tonic (plant); sedative (tea made from berries) | | Momordica dioica | Anthelmintic and kills sperm (tuber); as an astringent and antidote, reduces fever and astringent (root). | | |