Health Remedies - Scrofula |
Scrofula is a tuberculous infection in adults affecting the lymph nodes of the neck caused by infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis. It may occur in children due to infection by nontuberculous mycobacteria. The usual symptom is the appearance of a chronic, painless mass in the neck, which is persistent and usually grows with time. It may be accompanied by other symptoms of tuberculosis, such as fever, chills, malaise and weight loss. As the lesion progresses, skin becomes adhered to the neck mass and may rupture, forming a sinus and an open wound, which is the commonest long-term complication of scrofula. |
herbs |
Agave americana |
Syphilis, scrofula, to bruises, cancer, for indigestion, flatulence, constipation, jaundice, dysentery and gonorrhea (leaf juice); for toothache (gum from root and leaf). |
Bauhinia variegata |
In skin diseases, scrofula, ulcers, leprosy and menstrual problems (bark); dysentery (bark decoction and dried bud); hemorrhoids (bark and dried buds); diarrhea (dried bud); in haemorrhagic disorders (paste of bark, roots and flowers); an antidote to snake poison (root); cough, piles, haematuria and menorrhagia; the flowers are laxative (decoction of bud). |
Caesalpinia digyna |
For severe itching (plant); reduces fever, given internally in phthisis, scrofula and diabetes (root). |
Canscora decussata |
Nerve disorders, in insanity, scrofula and epilepsy (plant decoction); as laxative and tonic; as a febrifuge; to promote memory power, cure leprosy, ulcers, oedema, urinary disorders and snake-bites; to treat liver disorders, intermittent fever, leucoderma, tuberculosis, inflammation and abdominal troubles. |
Chimaphila maculata |
In the treatment of rheumatism and colds, on ulcers, scrofula and cancers (plant); to treat pain (root) |
Chimaphila umbellata |
In the treatment of various problems related to the urinary system, it is also prescribed for more serious conditions such as kidney stones and gonorrhoea (plant); in cardiac and kidney diseases, chronic rheumatism and scrofula (fresh leaves) |
Chrysanthemum indicum |
Gonorrhea, to treat eye ailments, in the treatment of migraine (leaves); to treat furuncle, scrofula, deep-rooted boils, inflammation of the throat, eyes and cervix, eczema, itchiness of the skin and hypertension (flowers) |
Clerodendrum indicum |
Asthma, cough and scrofula (root bark); eliminating intestinal worms (leaf). Leaf juice mixed with butterfat is applied externally to herpetic eruptions and pemphigus. Its resin is employed in syphilitic rheumatism. |
Clerodendrum inerme |
Healing cuts, intermittent and remittent fevers, to treat scrofula and veneral diseases. The leaves are mucilaginous, bitter and fragrant; the root, boiled in oil, is used as a liniment for treating rheumatism. |
Dicentra canadensis |
In the treatment of chronic cutaneous affections, syphilis, scrofula and some menstrual complaints (tubers). |
Dictamnus albus |
In nervous complaints and intermittent fevers, in scrofulous and scorbutic diseases (root); it strongly stimulates the muscles of the uterus, inducing menstruation and sometimes causing abortion (plant); for female complaints and constipation (leaves). |
Echinops echinatus |
Cough suppressant,as a tonic for increasing nerve strength and in indigestion, premature ejaculation and scrofula (plant); in diabetes (root). |
Evolvulus alsinoides |
In dysentery, asthma, bronchitis, reducing fever, as a vermifuge and brain tonic, febrifuge, useful in internal haemorrhages, malarial fever, as blood purifier (decoction), in syphilis and scrofula. |
Fumaria vaillantii |
In dyspepsia and scrofulous skin affections (plant) |
Gloriosa superba |
Antimalarial, increasing the secretion of gastric juices, laxative and as a tonic (tuber); leprosy and anthelmintic (root); to treat arthritis , piles, boils, for extraction of foreign body, for easy delivery, baldness, scrofula and ear diseases (root powder); effective against paralysis, rheumatism, snake bite, insect bites and leaf-juice effective against lice (root-paste). Various ethnic medical practices across India employ this plant for gout, stomachache,intermittent fevers, wounds, spleen complaints, syphilis, tumours, asthma, cholera, gonorrhoea, leprosy, piles, dropsy, labour pain and for acute spasmodic pain. |
Gynocardia odorata |
In rheumatism, in leprosy, secondary syphilis, scrofula, in phthisis and as a tonic (seed oil); in leprosy, scrofula and skin diseases (seed). |
Hydnocarpus kurzii |
In leprosy, scabies, eczema, psoriasis, scrofula, ringworm and intestinal worms (seed oil) and reducing fever (bark) |
Juglans nigra |
In the treatment of skin diseases, scrofulous diseases, herpes, eczema etc; diarrhoea and also to stop the production of milk, to allay the pain of toothache, headache (bark); for ringworm, colic and applied as a poultice to inflammations (husk); in the treatment of gangrene, leprosy, and wounds (oil from ripe seeds) |
Juglans regia |
In scrofula, syphilis, eczema and herpes (bark and leaf); rheumatism (fruit); as a vermifuge, laxative and in skin diseases (fruit oil); in dysentery and colic (kernel); to treat constipation, chronic coughs, asthma, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, skin ailments and purify the blood; coughs and vertigo (male inflorescences); in the treatment of diarrhoea and anaemia, low back pain, frequent urination, weakness of both legs, chronic cough, asthma, constipation due to dryness or anaemia and stones in the urinary tract, as a poultice to areas of dermatitis and eczema (rind); menstrual problems and dry skin conditions (seed oil); in the treatment of cancer (cotyledons). |
Rauvolfia caffra |
For enterosis, fever, itch, malaria, measles, nervousness, scrofula, swelling, water retention and on wound; pneumonia, rheumatism, colic, coughs and toothaches (bark); insomnia and intestinal worms (root). |
Sanguinaria canadensis |
HIV/AIDS, asthma, bronchitis, atonic, dyspepsia, crouph, heart disease weakness and palpitation of the heart, pulmonary consumption, nervous irritation, torpid liver, scrofula, dysentery, ulcers, fungoid growths and cancerous affections. |
Semecarpus anacardium |
To treat skin diseases, vitiligo, piles, guineaworm, splenomegaly, scrofula, rheumatism, as depilatory, for regaining normal colour, as rejuvinative, as aphrodisiac, alopecia, worms, poisoning, malarial fever. |
Siegesbeckia orientalis |
In skin maladies (such as ringworm and sores), urethral diseases (urethritis), as an antiseptic and cardiotonic; to cure ringworm and other parasitic infections, in rheumatism and renal colic (plant); used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, pains and aches in the legs and sides, hypertension, sciatica, weeping dermatitis, scurvy, scrofula, syphilis and mastitis (decoction of the plant). |
Trifolium repens |
In gout (flower); coughs, colds, fevers and leucorrhoea (infusion); in rheumatism and scrofula (plant). |
Vitex negundo |
As a demulcent (in the sinuses) and on sores (related to scrofula) (oil); in gonorrhea, rheumatism, sprains, fever (related to catarrh) and headache (leaf); aids in the removal of worms and foetid discharges from ulcers (leaf juice), controls acne in teenagers, regulates ovulatory cycle, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (secondary amenorrhea), premenstrual syndrome, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and endometriosis and fibrocystic breast disease among women, relieves pains due to rheumatism, gout, sciatica and the body ache resulted from heavy physical exertion, skin troubles, migraine; with the right proportion it is use for dental care for healthy, disease free teeth, as mouth wash and treatment for toothache. Pillows stuffed with leaves are slept on to remove catarrh and headache. Dried fruit is used to destroy human worm while seeds boiled in water and eaten, or the water is taken internally, to prevent spread of toxins from poisonous bites of animals, also cooling for skin disorders. |
Xanthium strumarium |
In leucoderma, epilepsy, in chronic malaria, leucorrhoea and urinary diseases (plant); in smallpox, in cancer and scrofula (root); on ulcers, boils and abscesses (root extract); in the treatment of rheumatism, diseased kidneys and tuberculosis (plant infusion); allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, catarrh, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, lumbago, leprosy and pruritis (fruits) |