Health Remedies - Tuberculosis |
Tuberculosis is a common and deadly infectious disease that is caused by mycobacteria, primarily Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body. TB is spread by aerosol droplets expelled by people with the active disease of the lungs when they cough, sneeze, speak, kiss, or spit. Certain factors such as smoking, alcohol, mental stress and strain, unhealthy living style, low body resistance, living in stuffy rooms, exposure to cold etc. may increase the risk for tuberculosis. The common symptoms include coughing up of mucus and sputum, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, chest pain, and night sweats. As the disease progresses patient may exhibit pleurisy (a sharp pain in the chest when breathing deeply or coughing) and hemoptysis (spitting up of blood). TB can almost always be cured with medicine, if treated in a proper way. |
herbs |
Abies amabilis |
To treat stomach ailments, TB, haemorrhoids and various minor complaints (bark); to treat colds, sore throats, for burns, bruises, wounds and sores (resin) |
Abies concolor |
For cuts, wounds, in the treatment of TB (bark); for relieving rheumatism (foliage) |
Abies grandis |
As a wash for sore and infected eyes and as a gargle for sore throats (gum from bark); in the treatment of stomach problems and TB (root bark or stem); to ease rheumatism or to the chest to treat lung haemorrhages (poultice); in the treatment of colds (leaves) |
Abies lasiocarpa |
To wounds, in the treatment of colds and flu (bark); to treat bad breath (resin); to treat chest colds and fevers (leaves); to treat the coughing up of blood, which can be the first sign of TB, and as a laxative (infusion) |
Achlys triphylla |
In the treatment of tuberculosis (leaves); to treat cataracts (dry shredded roots) |
Adenophora stricta |
To treat dry coughs, chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis. |
Adhatoda vasica |
For asthma and intermittent fever; used also as an expectorant in cases of chronic bronchitis and phthisis. On rheumatic joints, as a counter-irritant on inflammatory swellings, on fresh wounds, urticaria and in neuralgia. |
Ajuga reptans |
In arresting haemorrhages, in coughs and spitting of blood in incipient consumption, in some biliary disorders, mouth sores. |
Alangium salvifolium |
For skin disorders, as a laxative and anthelmintic (root bark); in tuberculosis (fruit); in diabetes (leaves). |
Alstonia scholaris |
In tuberculosis and as a tonic and laxative (bark decoction); in skin disorders, in dysentery, chronic diarrhea and fever, in heart diseases, asthma and to stop bleeding of wounds; for deafness (bark); in leprosy and dyspepsia (fresh bark juice); for beri-beri and liver congestion (decoction of young leaf); to ulcers, sores, tumours and in rheumatic pain, and is used for curing toothache, an antidote for Antiaris- poisoning (the milky juice or latex). |
Andrographis paniculata |
Fever, stomach problems, diarrhea, dysentery and indigestion (plant decoction); auto-immune disorders, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, insect bites, cholera, diabetes, malaria, tuberculosis, rabies and snakebite. |
Aristolochia contorta |
In the treatment of cancer, coughs, inflammation of the respiratory organs, haemorrhoids and hypertension (fruit); in the treatment of acute and serious infections such as TB, rabies, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and infantile pneumonia (root) |
Bambusa arundinacea |
It is used for stomach and respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, intestinal worms, wounds, nausea, vomiting, piles, in cough, consumption, asthma and fever. In combination with other astringent medicines it is given in chronic dysentery and internal hemorrhages. The most efficacious application for dislodgement of worms in ulcers is a poultice made by pounding the young shoots of the bamboo. The decoction of the joints is supposed to have an action on the uterus, and is used by females after delivery to cause free flow of the lochial discharge. The same part of the plant pounded with water is applied to inflamed joints. The juice of the flower is dropped in the ear for earache, and in deafness. An ointment from the root is a folk remedy for cirrhosis and hard tumors, especially tumors of the abdomen, liver, spleen and stomach. |
Benincasa hispida |
Epilepsy (fruit juice); for intestinal worms (shelled seeds); dandruff (seed and peel); in periodic attacks of hysteria, peptic ulcers, coagulating blood, general debility, as a purifying agent, cancer, obesity, hemoptysis, used in the treatment of coughs, fevers, excessive thirst and tuberculosis; painful wounds (rind). |
Bergenia ciliata |
Tuberculosis and other lungs problems, dysentery, fever, cough, spleen enlargement, ulcers, menorrhagia and urinary disorders (including dysuria and kidney stones) (rhizome); cuts, burns, boils and ophthalmia (root paste). |
Bombax ceiba |
Snakebite antidote (flower); on wounds (bark); in tuberculosis, influenza, menorrhagia, dysentery and hemoptysis (gum). |
Butea monosperma |
For dysentery, diarrhea, phthisis and bleeding within the bladder and stomach (gum); as a laxative (seed); in hemorrhoids and boils (leaf); as an anthelmintic, specially useful in the treatment of roundworms and tapeworms (seed oil); diabetes, gallbladder stone, sore throat and leucorrhea. |
Caesalpinia digyna |
For severe itching (plant); reduces fever, given internally in phthisis, scrofula and diabetes (root). |
Canscora decussata |
Nerve disorders, in insanity, scrofula and epilepsy (plant decoction); as laxative and tonic; as a febrifuge; to promote memory power, cure leprosy, ulcers, oedema, urinary disorders and snake-bites; to treat liver disorders, intermittent fever, leucoderma, tuberculosis, inflammation and abdominal troubles. |
Cassia fistula |
In tuberculosis, reducing fever and as a tonic (seed and fruit), in rheumatism, gout, blood poisoning, dysentery, anthrax, diabetes, leprosy, liver problems (including biliousness) and for varicose veins (including shrinking them) (pod pulp). |
Celastrus paniculatus |
In rheumatism, treats scabies, pains and wounds, intestinal ulcers, tuberculosis, epilepsy, stomach disorders, psychosis, oedema, disorder of nervous system, leprosy (seed oil); in gout, external wounds, beriberi and as a sedative in anxiety and other nervous problems, intestinal diseases, wound, drowsiness in fever and amenorrhoea, sharpens the memory, cures sores, ulcers, rheumatism and gout; to treat pneumonia (crushed root). |
Centella asiatica |
For healing wounds (plant extract); in tuberculosis and leprosy (plant decoction); improves intellectual capacity, concentration and memory of children, in skin diseases, asthma, bronchitis, gastric problems, leucorrhea, catarrh, as an antidote in cholera; on boils and tumours (plant paste); to cure severe headache, to prevent and cure urinary tract infections and the growth of kidney stones (leaf juice). |
Clitoria ternatea |
To treat oedema, mental disorder, goiter, vitiligo, snake-poisoning, toothache, eye disease, as aphrodisiac, filaria, leprosy (plant juice); dysentery, severe bronchitis, asthma, consumption, ascites and abdominal enlargement. |
Cocos nucifera |
In diseases of the uterus, cooling and diuretic (Immature fruit); in debility, incipient phthisis and cachetic affections (fresh milk); for a wide range of physical disorders including asthma, cold, constipation, dysentery, earache, erysipelas, fever, flu, gingivitis, gonorrhea, jaundice, rash, scabies, syphilis, toothache, tuberculosis etc. |
Commiphora myrrha |
Athlete's foot, bed sores, mouth sores, pyorrhea, throat ailments, ulcers, wounds, in perfumery, mouth washes, dentrifice.in vitiated conditions of vata, pitta and kapha, stomatitis, dyspepsia, helminthiasis, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoes and other menstrual disorders, bronchitis, asthma, phthisis, spongy gum, pharyngodynia, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, inflammations, strangury and skin diseases. |
Dendrophthoe falcata |
As an abortifacient (stem); brain tonic and in skin diseases (plant); menstrual problems, wounds and asthma (bark); is used to treat wounds, as emmenagogue and as a remedy for consumption, asthma and mania. The lukewarm leaf juice is used as an eardrop to cure earache. |
Fagus grandifolia |
To treat frostbite, burns, poison ivy rash etc (leaves); in the treatment of lung ailments (bark); for fever, jaundice, nephrosis, rheumatism and tuberculosis. |
Fritillaria roylei |
For the disease of the eye and all women's diseases. Used in the treatment of TB, asthma, bronchitis, burns and stomach pains. |
Galeopsis segetum |
Catarrh and viral infections and inflammations of the upper respiratory tract; also in coughs related to silicosis and tuberculosis. In the treatment of whooping cough, bronchitis, tracheitis etc (decoction). |
Gmelina arborea |
In rheumatism and stomach problems (root decoction); gonorrhea and as an anthelmintic (leaf juice); for cough (root decoction and leaf juice); making prosthetics (wood); increasing the secretion of gastric juices and as a tonic (bark); in fever (root decoction); for headache, anasarca, asthma, bronchitis, cholera, colic pain, diarrhoea, dropsy, dyspepsia, epilepsy, fever, phthisis, rheumatism, small pox, sore, spleen complaints, syphilis, throat swelling, urticaria, fever, urinary complaints, urticaria, consumption, wounds and leucorrhoea (herb). |
Gynocardia odorata |
In rheumatism, in leprosy, secondary syphilis, scrofula, in phthisis and as a tonic (seed oil); in leprosy, scrofula and skin diseases (seed). |
Helminthostachys zeylanica |
Impotence (rhizome decoction) and mouth blisters (leaf juice); in sciatica (plant); for whooping cough (rhizome); for dysentery, catarrh, asthma and early stages of phthisis. |
Ipomoea digitata |
For emaciated juveniles, debility, increases secretion of milk, enlarged liver and spleen, increases weight, moderates menstrual discharge, poor digestion, TB (plant); liver and spleen maladies, enervation and excessive menstruation (powder); bronchitis and fever (decoction); for diseases of the spleen and liver, for menorrhagia, debility and fat accumulation (powdered root) |
Luffa echinata |
In jaundice, in phthisis, hiccough and as an anthelmintic (plant); for dropsy, nephritis, chronic bronchitis and lung complaints; biliary and intestinal colic; it is applied to the body in putrid fevers and jaundice (fruit infusion); in jaundice (aqueous extract of fruits) |
Myroxylon balsamum |
For asthma, colds and flu, rheumatism and external wounds (leaves and fruit); for abscesses, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, headache, rheumatism, sores, sprains, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and wounds (sap) |
Nasturtium officinale |
Anemia, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, catarrh, cough, depurative, earache, eczema, flu, head colds, kidney ailments, liver ailments, pertussis, piles, scabies, scurvy, sore, tuberculosis, warts, in strangury, goiter, very useful treatment for dietary deficiencies and malnutrition. |
Panax quinquefolium |
Reducing fever, as a carminative, tonic and stimulant (root); in children's ailments, nausea, nervousness, obesity, rheumatism, tuberculosis and venereal diseases; maladies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver, lung and repiratory tract, mouth and skin. |
Phoenix dactylifera |
For ague, anemia, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, catarrh, chest, condylomata, cough, diarrhea, eyes, fatigue, fever, flu, gonorrhea, endurations, longevity, piles, pterygia, splenitis, sterility, stomachache, thirst, toothache, tuberculosis, urogenital ailments, vaginitis, virility, warts, and whitlows |
Pinus gerardiana |
As a dressing on wounds, ulcers,in the treatment of head diseases (seed oil); in the treatment of kidney and bladder complaints and is used both internally and as a rub and steam bath in the treatment of rheumatic affections (resin); is useful in treating diseases of the mucous membranes and respiratory complaints such as coughs, colds, influenza and TB. |
Piper methysticum |
For skin complaints, loss of appetite, in the treatment of rheumatism, menstrual problems, venereal disease, tuberculosis and even leprosy |
Polemonium reptans |
For fever and inflammation, to snakebites, coughs, colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tuberculosis and skin conditions (dried root) |
Polygala amara |
To treat stomach upsets, bladder and kidney disorders, bronchosis, cough, fever, gastrosis, respirosis, tuberculosis. |
Polygonatum multiflorum |
An excellent poultice for bruises, piles, inflammation, in the treatment of pulmonary problems, including tuberculosis, and women's complaints (root); used as a snuff to promote sneezing and thus clear the bronchial passages (dried powdered roots and flowers). |
Polygonum glabrum |
Colic (leaf); in pneumonia and as anthelmintic (plant juice); snakebite antidote (rhizome); for piles, jaundice, debility and consumption (root stocks). |
Rhododendron campanulatum |
In rheumatism, sciatica and syphilis (leaf); used as a snuff in the treatment of colds and headache (leaves); used in the treatment of phthisis and chronic fevers (dried twigs and wood). |
Rhus succedanea |
In phthisis (fruit); in diarrhea (aerial part) |
Saccharum spontaneum |
An extract of the plant is given in burning sensation, phthisis, blood diseases, vesical calculi, biliousness and hemorrhagic diathesis. Besides, its roots are known as diuretic. |
Sanguinaria canadensis |
HIV/AIDS, asthma, bronchitis, atonic, dyspepsia, crouph, heart disease weakness and palpitation of the heart, pulmonary consumption, nervous irritation, torpid liver, scrofula, dysentery, ulcers, fungoid growths and cancerous affections. |
Stephania glabra |
For tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes, maladies in the urinary tract, reducing fever and in dysentery (root) |
Teramnus labialis |
In tuberculosis, bronchitis, in rheumatism, nervous affections, haemoptysis and catarrh (plant); astringent, stomachic, febrifugal and aphrodisiac (fruit); as a tonic and antipyretic (fruit and plant). |
Terminalia arjuna |
As a tonic (fruit); treating people with high levels of blood triglycerides and cholesterol, to treat heart diseases, consumption, spermaturia, skin diseases, fracture, intrinsic haemorrhage, wounds, piles, diarrhoea and as a liver tonic (bark). |
Tinospora cordifolia |
To treat fever (irregular and chronic), jaundice, thrist, vomiting, arthritis, skin diseases, cough, as rejuvenative for purifying breast-milk, eye diseases,secondary syphilis, rheumatism, constipation, tuberculosis, and leprosy. It is a blood purifier and may be useful in AIDS and other immune diseases also. It is also being proposed for cancer patients before and after chemotherapy. |
Tribulus terrestris |
In painful urination and impotency (fruit); in treating impotency in males, nocturnal emissions, gonorrhoea, painful urination, gout, consumption, kidney problems (including kidney stones) and incontinence of urine (decoction of seed); in treating cancer and to promote hair-growth (plant); gas, headache, ophthalmia and stomatitis (dried fruit). It is being studied as a potential herbal remedy against AIDS. |
Veratrum viride |
Cures puerperal fever, phthisis pulmonalis, acute rheumatism, gastric irritation, colic, tetanus, acute gonorrhea, active cerebral engorgement, exophthalmic goiter with tachycardia, aneurism, acute cases of pneumonia, peritonitis, threatened apoplexy, chronic coughs, constipation, for bruises, sprains, fractures, to treat aches and pains |
Wagatea spicata |
In skin diseases (bark); pneumonia and frenquently in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (root) |
Xanthium strumarium |
In leucoderma, epilepsy, in chronic malaria, leucorrhoea and urinary diseases (plant); in smallpox, in cancer and scrofula (root); on ulcers, boils and abscesses (root extract); in the treatment of rheumatism, diseased kidneys and tuberculosis (plant infusion); allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, catarrh, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, lumbago, leprosy and pruritis (fruits) |