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Health Remedies - Pneumonia

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Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection. The infection may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Bacterial pneumonia is more common. Symptoms vary, depending on the type of pneumonia and the individual. With bacterial pneumonia, the person may experience shaking, chills, severe chest pain, very high fever, sweating, rapid breathing, rapid pulse rate and cough that produces rust-colored or greenish mucus. With viral pneumonia, the person may experience fever, dry cough, headache, muscle pain and weakness. Regardless of the type of pneumonia, the person may also experience loss in appetite, nasal flaring, fatigue, abdominal pain, mental confusion, joint and muscle stiffness. Untreated pneumonia may cause complications such as pleural effusion (fluid around the lung), empyema (pus in the pleural cavity), hyponatremia (low blood sodium) and rarely, an abscess in the lung.

Useful herbs

Acacia albida

For colds, diarrhea, hemorrhage and ophthalmia; for bathing and massage in pneumonia (bark)

Acalypha indica

For cough (leaf extract); bronchitis and pneumonia (plant decoction); skin diseases (leaf); as a vermifuge, in constipation and rheumatism; in asthma, cough, bronchitis and earache (fruit) .

Ambrosia trifida

To insect bites and various skin complaints, internally they are used as a tea in the treatment of pneumonia, fevers, nausea, intestinal cramps, diarrhoea and mucous discharges (leaf); in the treatment of menstrual disorders and stroke (roots); excellent application to mercurial and all other ulcers of a fetid or gangrenous character (plant)

Anemarrhena asphodeloides

For fevers accompanied with dryness in the lungs, stomach or kidneys, ulcers, cancer, childbirth, cough, diabetes, dysentery, fever, hyperglycemia, inflammation, lumbago, morning sickness, osteosis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, spermatorrhea, tuberculosis, typhoid, typhus, vertigo.

Aristolochia contorta

In the treatment of cancer, coughs, inflammation of the respiratory organs, haemorrhoids and hypertension (fruit); in the treatment of acute and serious infections such as TB, rabies, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and infantile pneumonia (root)

Artemisia tridentata

In the treatment of digestive disorders and sore throats, to treat pneumonia, bad colds with coughing and bronchitis, for rheumatism, to relieve pain during child birthing (leaves); as a liniment on cuts, sores etc (crushed plant)

Cajanus cajan

Mouth sores (leaf and flower); for anemia, hepatitis, diabetes, urinary infections, and yellow fever (leaves); for dysentery, and menstrual disorders, bronchitis, coughs, and pneumonia (flowers).

Celastrus paniculatus

In rheumatism, treats scabies, pains and wounds, intestinal ulcers, tuberculosis, epilepsy, stomach disorders, psychosis, oedema, disorder of nervous system, leprosy (seed oil); in gout, external wounds, beriberi and as a sedative in anxiety and other nervous problems, intestinal diseases, wound, drowsiness in fever and amenorrhoea, sharpens the memory, cures sores, ulcers, rheumatism and gout; to treat pneumonia (crushed root).

Coix lachryma-jobi

Menstrual problems (root); as a diuretic and tonic (seed); for abdominal tumours, oesophageal, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers, various tumours, as well as excrescences, warts, in the treatment of lung abscess, lobar pneumonia,appendicitis, rheumatoid arthritis, beriberi, diarrhoea, oedema and difficult urination (fruits); in influenza (root or young leaves).

Corchorus aestuans

Stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and in pneumonia (seed); as a demulcent (plant).

Cymbopogon citratus

Colds, cough, as a depurative agent, indigestion, elephantiasis, fever, headache, hypertension, leprosy, malaria, mouth sores, neuritis, painful menstruation, pneumonia, rheumatism, ringworm, sprains, toothache, gingivitis, pyorrhea, for cleaning teeth. A fomentation of leaves is good for immediate relief of colds. It makes human bodies healthy, with its carminative and anticholeric properties. Chinese use the grass to treat colds, headache, intestinal problems, eczema and reduce high blood pressure.

Datura stramonium

For boils and testicle enlargement (leaf); relieving pain and headaches (roasted leaves); earache (flower); asthma (inhalation of burning leaves) and other pulmonary and respiratory ailments (such as pneumonia, cough and severe chest colds); used internally in the treatment of asthma and Parkinson's disease, excess causes giddiness, dry mouth, hallucinations and coma (plant); externally, as a poultice or wash in the treatment of fistulas, abscesses wounds and severe neuralgia (plant).

Dolichos uniflorus

Measles, smallpox, burns, sores and tumors (plant); menstrual problems (plant decoction); kidney stones (seed). Ayurveda uses decoction of seed in leucorrhoea, menstrual troubles, bleeding during pregnancy, colic caused by wind, piles, rheumatism, heamorrhagic disease and for intestinal worms. Soup prepared from seeds is beneficial in enlarged liver and spleen. Tribal practices use the parts of the plant for dysuria, sores, tumours, burns, adenitis, fistula ani, intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy, piles, hiccups, abdominal lump, bronchial asthma,pneumonia, prolapsus ani, menstrual complaints, piles, colic, epistaxis, flatulence, ophthalmia, ulcers,urinary troubles and kidney stone.

Ferula narthex

It is used in the treatment of asthma, whooping cough, flatulent colic, and in pneumonia and bronchitis in children. The leaves are carminative and diaphoretic. The plant is identified as a potential contraceptive.

Hedeoma pulegioides

In the treatment of digestive disorders, colds, whooping cough, painful menstruation and as an aid in childbirth, for sprains, rheumatism, allergy, burn, conjunctivosis, cramps, dysentery, fever, gout, headache, hepatosis, leukorrhea, pertussis, pharyngosis, pneumonia.

Isatis tinctoria

In meningitis, encephalitis, mumps, influenza, erysipelas, heat rash, gastroenteritis, in high fevers and convulsions in children, coughing of blood and as a detoxifier in infections such as mumps (leaves); in the treatment of fevers, pyogenic inflammation in influenza and meningitis, macula in acute infectious diseases, erysipelas, mumps and epidemic parotitis (roots).Both the leaves and the roots are used in the treatment of pneumonia.

Lonicera japonica

In dysentery, chronic psoriasis, to reduce blood pressure (plant); acute rheumatoid arthritis, mumps and hepatitis (stems); upper respiratory tract infections (including pneumonia) and dysentery (stem and flowers together); syphilitic skin diseases and tumors, bacterial dysentery, colds, enteritis, pain, swellings etc (flower buds)

Momordica charantia

In jaundice and as a laxative (leaf); diabetes. rheumatism and snakebite (fruit), diabetes mellitus, eczema, fat loss, fever (malarial), gout, hydrophobia, hyperglycemia, kidney (stone), leprosy, leucorrhea, liver, piles, pneumonia, psoriasis, rheumatism, scabies and skin diseases. Hot water extract of dried root is taken orally to induce abortion.

Pimenta racemosa

Used to treat adenopathy, cancer, chest cold, diarrhea, dyspepsia, edema, elephantiasis, fever, headache, nausea, pleurisy, pneumonia, rheumatism, toothache, varicosis and vertigo.

Polygonum glabrum

Colic (leaf); in pneumonia and as anthelmintic (plant juice); snakebite antidote (rhizome); for piles, jaundice, debility and consumption (root stocks).

Polygonum plebeium

Pneumonia and diarrhea (plant)

Rauvolfia caffra

For enterosis, fever, itch, malaria, measles, nervousness, scrofula, swelling, water retention and on wound; pneumonia, rheumatism, colic, coughs and toothaches (bark); insomnia and intestinal worms (root).

Securinega virosa

Gonorrhea, to induce sleep in children and for fever (root); for the treatment of fever, in infected sores (leaf); in diarrhoea and pneumonia (bark)

Trichosanthes palmata

In diarrhoea, fever, pneumonia, rheumatism and vomiting (roots); used in dysentery (seeds); applied externally on burns (leaf paste).

Veratrum viride

Cures puerperal fever, phthisis pulmonalis, acute rheumatism, gastric irritation, colic, tetanus, acute gonorrhea, active cerebral engorgement, exophthalmic goiter with tachycardia, aneurism, acute cases of pneumonia, peritonitis, threatened apoplexy, chronic coughs, constipation, for bruises, sprains, fractures, to treat aches and pains

Wagatea spicata

In skin diseases (bark); pneumonia and frenquently in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (root)

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