Health Remedies - Epistaxis (Nose Bleeding) |
herbs |
Anemone canadensis |
To treat pain in the lumbar region, as an eye wash to treat crossed eyes, twitches and eye poisoning, for headaches and dizziness, to clear the throat (root); to wounds, nosebleeds and sores and as a wash for eye sores (roots and leaves). |
Antennaria dioica |
For the treatment of bronchitis and bilious conditions, in the treatment of liver and gall bladder complaints, nosebleeds, hepatitis and diarrhoea, as a gargle for treating tonsillitis and as a douche for vaginitis (plant) |
Aster trinervius |
Used for coughs,pulmonary affections, haemorrhage and malaria (roots); for boils, coughs, colds, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemorrhage, hepatitis, malaria, snakebite, and traumatic bleeding (plant). |
Blepharis persica |
Impotency and rheumatism (plant); headache (leaf paste); in wounds, ulcers, nasal haemorrhage, asthma, throat inflammation, ascites, and disorders of liver and spleen, and as a purgative (leaves). |
Bletilla striata |
In the treatment of haemorrhages of the stomach or lungs, uterine bleeding and nose bleeds, applied as a poultice to burns, cuts, abscesses and sores. |
Cirsium japonicum |
In the treatment of boils and carbuncles, acute appendicitis, uterine bleeding, haematuria, nose bleeds, haematemesis and traumatic bleeding (dried root decoction) |
Cocculus pendulus |
As a tonic and for controlling intermittent fever (root); for treatment of nose bleeding and high blood pressure (leaves) |
Diospyros peregrina |
For wounds and ulcers;in vitiated conditions of pitta, burning sensation, inflammations, diarrhea, dysentery, leprosy, skin diseases, pruritus, dyspepsia, haemorrhages, burns, diabetes, fever, spermatorrhea and vaginal disorders (bark); in strangury, dyspepsia, flatulence, scotoma, nyctalopia, opthalamia, epistaxis, haemoptysis, burns, tubercular glands, scabies and wounds (leaves); in leucorrhoea, urethrorrhea, splenomegaly, nyctalopia, anaemia and scabies (flowers). |
Dolichos uniflorus |
Measles, smallpox, burns, sores and tumors (plant); menstrual problems (plant decoction); kidney stones (seed). Ayurveda uses decoction of seed in leucorrhoea, menstrual troubles, bleeding during pregnancy, colic caused by wind, piles, rheumatism, heamorrhagic disease and for intestinal worms. Soup prepared from seeds is beneficial in enlarged liver and spleen. Tribal practices use the parts of the plant for dysuria, sores, tumours, burns, adenitis, fistula ani, intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy, piles, hiccups, abdominal lump, bronchial asthma,pneumonia, prolapsus ani, menstrual complaints, piles, colic, epistaxis, flatulence, ophthalmia, ulcers,urinary troubles and kidney stone. |
Emblica officinalis |
To treat fever, lack of appetite, piles, worms, anaemia, jaundice, intrinsic haemorrhage, hoarseness of voice, hiccough, cough, fainting, heart diseases, vomiting, burning sensation, abdominal pain, gastritis, dyspepsia, obesity, leprosy, rheumatism, erysipelas, chicken-pox, greying of hair, hair loss, diabetes, suppression of urine, leucorrhoea, burning sensation in female genitals, amenorrhea, eye diseases, for promoting intellect and to improve memory, as rejuvenative, and aphrodisiac (promotes spermatogenesis and in premature ejaculation) (fruit and seed). Local systems of medicine employ it for fever, indigestion, bronchitis, asthma, constipation, headache, liver complaint, diabetes, dysentery, ophthalmic disorders, nerve tonic, cholera, diarrhoea, nasal haemorrhage, cystitis, oedema and leucorrhoea.It has expectorant, antioxidant, anticancerous properties. |
Euphorbia resinifera |
For bronchosis, cancer, catarrh, conjunctivosis, constipation, dermatosis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysmenorrhea, epistaxis, gout, headache, otosis, plantar wart, respirosis, sore, ulcer. |
Euphorbia tirucalli |
In cancer (plant). The local medicinal practices employ its parts for dealing with body pain, eczema, scabies, rheumatism, earache, oedema, deranged phlegm, epistaxis, deranged bile, constipation and dyscrasia. |
Hyptis suaveolens |
Used in catarrhal conditions, affections of the uterus and parasitical cutaneous
diseases, for headache and as snuff to stop bleeding of the nose; colic and stomachaches (leaf juice) |
Lamium album |
For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, depression, digestive disorders, inflammations of the prostate, for abnormal vaginal discharge and is sometimes taken to relieve painful periods, kidney and urinary tract and in skin maladies (such as wounds and rashes).In haemorrhages of the uterus, nose etc (decoction); in bleeding
piles, against fluor albus, chlorosis and debilities (flowers) |
Leucas cephalotes |
Scabies (fresh plant juice); for urinary complaints, to boils (plant); colds and cough (flower); to cure skin problems (leaf juice); to treat nosebleeds (dried inflorescence) |
Morus nigra |
In the treatment of colds, influenza, eye infections and nosebleeds (leaves); to relieve toothache (barks tincture); for urinary incontinence, tinnitus, premature greying of the hair and constipation in the elderly (fruit); asthma, coughs, bronchitis, oedema, hypertension and diabetes (root bark); to expel tape worms (bark) |
Nelumbo nucifera |
A decoction of the flowers is used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. A decoction of the floral receptacle is used in the treatment of abdominal cramps, bloody discharges etc. The flower stalk is haemostatic. It is used in treating bleeding gastric ulcers, excessive menstruation, post-partum haemorrhage. The stamens are used in treating urinary frequency, premature ejaculation, haemolysis, epistaxis and uterine bleeding. A decoction of the fruit is used in the treatment of agitation, fever, heart complaints etc. The seed is sedative. It is used in the treatment of poor digestion, enteritis, chronic diarrhoea, insomnia, palpitations etc. The plumule and radicle are used to treat thirst in high febrile disease, hypertension, insomnia and restlessness. The root is tonic. The root starch is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and a paste is applied to ringworm and other skin ailments. It is also taken internally in the treatment of haemorrhages, excessive menstruation and nosebleeds. The root nodes are used in the treatment of nasal bleeding, haemoptysis, haematuria and functional bleeding of the uterus. The plant is a folk folk remedy for cancer, modern research has isolated certain compounds from the plant that show anticancer activity. Embryos are used for reducing fever, for treating cholera, haemoptysis, spematorrhoea and syphilis. |
Pimpinella saxifraga |
Disorders of the upper respiratory tract, including asthma (mainly used as a last resort), inflammations of the urinary tract and preventing stones there; also in healing wounds; for soothing coughs or the effects of laryngitis, bronchitis, for wounds, bleeding of nose and headache (root) |
Pistacia integerrima |
Asthma, used in fever, vomitting, loss of apetite, nose bleeding, snake bites and scorpion stings. |
Polygonum aviculare |
Maladies of the respiratory tract, such as asthma and bronchitis, useful in diarrhoea, bleeding piles, all haemorrhages, in strangury and as an expellant of stone. The decoction was also administered to kill worms. An alcohol-based preparation has been used with success to treat varicose veins of recent origin. Applied externally, it is an excellent remedy to stay bleeding of the nose and to treat sores. |
Rhododendron arboreum |
On forehead in headache, to treat gout and rheumatism (leaves); menstrual disorders, in diarrhoea and dysentery (flowers); coughs, diarrhoea and dysentery (bark juice). Flowers are crushed and snuffed to stop nasal bleeding. |
Sambucus nigra |
For infections related to the chills, in bronchial asthma, as mouth-wash and gargle, hoarseness, rhinitis and gum inflammation (flower); in sciatica, rheumatism, migraine and cough (fruit); as snuff to stop bleeding of the nose (leaf powder); in epilepsy (bark or flower); in colds, inflamed throat, gout, rheumatism and neuralgia (berries) |
Scindapsus officinalis |
Rheumatism (fruit paste); in diarrhoea, to expel worms and as carminative (fruit); in diabetes (stem and fruit); Powdered leaves are snuffed to control nasal bleeding. |
Senecio vulgaris |
In chronic mastitis, haemorrhoids and gout, while the expressed juice is used internally against worms and colic; used in the treatment of some diseases of the eyes
(powdered root and rootstock). Used in the treatment of menstrual disorders and nose bleeds |
Streblus asper |
In fever, dysentery and diarrhoea (bark decoction); to snake-bitten person as an antidote, to unhealthy ulcers, sinuses, in epilepsy and inflammatory swellings and is applied to boils (root); in epistaxis, piles, diarrhoea etc (seeds). |
Urtica dioica |
Jaundice, kidney problems, bleeding of the uterus and nose, excessive menstruation, haemorrhoids, arthritis, rheumatism and eczema, as a diuretic (for relieving rheumatism and edema), astringent and as a substitute for thiazide treatment (without side effects) (plant); Externally, the plant is used to treat skin complaints, arthritic pain, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, haemorrhoids, dandruff etc.; as a tonic (flower and seed); for heart problems. Nettles have a long history of Use(s) in the home as a herbal remedy and nutritious addition to the diet. A tea made from the leaves has traditionally been used as a cleansing tonic and blood purifier so the plant is often used in the treatment of hay fever, arthritis, anaemia etc. |
Vinca major |
For treating haemorrhages, excessive menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, in cases of nose bleed, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers or sore throats and hardening of the arteries (plant) |