Mumps, wounds and swellings. Tubers and whole plant in the form of powder or ointment is applied to wounds and bruises to reduce swellings; used in mumps and cancerous swellings also. It is given internally in cases of pyaemia with the idea of removing blood or pus from the body.
To treat nervous and urinary diseases and disorders of the blood and bile (root). Intensely bitter, it is used as an infusion and in conjunction with ginger to treat intermittent fever; it is also used as a stomachic, to treat chronic bowel complaints, and as an aphrodisiac; as panacea for rheumatism (whole plant).The leaves, warmed and moistened with sesame seed oil, are used to hasten suppuration and painful boils; in haemorrhoids, fevers, impotency, gonorrhea and rheumatism (roots and leaves).