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Health Remedies - Carbuncle |
herbs |
Acacia julibrissin |
In the treatment of insomnia, irritability, breathlessness and poor memory (flower heads); in the treatment of insomnia, irritability, boils and carbuncles, to injuries and swellings (stem bark) |
Angelica dahurica |
In the treatment of frontal headache, toothache, rhinitis, boils, carbuncles and skin diseases. |
Breea segetum |
Used in the treatment of haemoptysis, haematemesis, metrorrhagia, boils and carbuncles and traumatic bleeding (plant). |
Cirsium japonicum |
In the treatment of boils and carbuncles, acute appendicitis, uterine bleeding, haematuria, nose bleeds, haematemesis and traumatic bleeding (dried root decoction) |
Crinum defixum |
Boils, earache and skin diseases (leaf); as a laxative (seed); urinary problems, burns, witlow, abdominal disorders, bodyache and carbuncle (bulb). |
Dryopteris crassirhizoma |
As a worm expellent for humans, in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, uterine bleeding, mumps, feverish illnesses, abscesses, boils, carbuncles and sores (root) |
Dryopteris cristata |
For tape worms (male fern); in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, uterine bleeding, mumps, feverish illnesses, abscesses, boils, carbuncles and sores (root) |
Dryopteris filix-mas |
Destroying intestinal worms and as a fungicide (on the skin). The male fern is one of the most popular and effective treatments for tape worms. The root contains an oleoresin that paralyses tapeworms and other internal parasites and has been used as a worm expellent. The root is also taken internally in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, uterine bleeding, mumps and feverish illnesses. Externally, the root is used as a poultice in the treatment of abscesses, boils, carbuncles and sores. |
Forsythia suspensa |
To treat boils, carbuncles, urinary tract infections, allergic rashes, mumps and infected neck glands (herb); in the treatment of breast cancer (decoction of the leaves and twigs); cancer, colds, fever and jaundice (root); poulticed onto ulcerated glands and haemorrhoids (leaves); used internally in the treatment of acute infectious diseases such as mumps, and also for tonsillitis, urinary tract infections and allergic rashes (fruit). |
Forsythia viridissima |
To treat carbuncles, mastitis, inflammation, suppuration, lymphadenitis and suppressed menstruation |
Hibiscus rosasinensis |
Checks bleeding, soothes irritated tissues and relaxes spasms, excessive and painful menstruation, cystitis, gonorrhea, feverish illnesses, bronchial catarrh, coughs, diabetes and to promote hair growth. The flowers are used in the treatment of carbuncles, mumps, fever and sores. |
Pergularia daemia |
Stimulating the uterus, anthelmintic, in infantile diarrhea, expectorant. in catarrh and asthma (plant); laxative (root bark); as a poultice (in carbuncle) (leaf pulp). The plant extract has a stimulatory action on uterine and other involuntary muscles and is used to treat uterine and menstural troubles and to facilitate childbirth. The fresh, pulped leaves are applied as a poultice to relieve carbuncles. The leaf juice is an expectorant in catarrhal affections and is emetic; it is used to treat infantile diarrhoea; mixed with lime or ginger, it is applied externally to relieve rheumatic swellings. |
Phytolacca acinosa |
Rheumatism (root oil) and as a narcotic (plant); urinary disorders, nephritis, oedema, abdominal distension, to treat boils, carbuncles and sores (root) |
Stellaria media |
As a plaster in swolen areas and broken bones, to relieve constipation, useful in rheumatism, inflammations of the digestive, renal, respiratory and reproductive tracts, asthma, congestion, and bronchitis, obesity, high cholesterol, in severe inflammations of skin, such as erysipelas, scalds and burns, crural ulcers, haemorrhoids, eczema, to soothe severe itchiness and inflammations of eyes (plant); as a poultice or ointment for skin irritation and inflammation as well as for skin ulcers. Boils, carbuncles, and abscesses |