A folk remedy for kidney stones, stomach problems and rheumatism (inner bark); in the treatment of stomach pains, trembling and fits (root and bark); on purulent wounds, bad burns, skin rashes, scabies and persistent scabs (resin mixed with oil); in treating respiratory infections and kidney problems (gum or leaves); as a bath or a rub in treating dry skin or sores (leaves)
For dysentery, dermatitis and other inflammations of the skin and raucous membranes (green pods); to relieve bronchial passages and for sore throats (dried gum). A tannin-rich extract has been prepared from the leaves and young shoots and used in decoction and applied to inflammed tissue and burns to promote rapid healing.
Asthma and snakebite (root powder); toothache (root); rashes. boils and dropsy (plant); renal dropsy (plant decoction); as an emmenagogue; in hemorrhoids; atrophy; blindness (veterinary); insect bites; cachexia; cataracts; cholera; circumcision; antispasmodic; astringent; odontalgic. The flower-tops are stated to be employed for the treatemtnt of rabies. It is also used in veterinary medicine to expel placenta.
Chronic chest complaints, asthma, coughs, colds, dropsy, painful spasms of the bowels and stomach, scanty or painful menstruation, infantile convulsions (root); applied as a poultice to wounds and inflammations, whilst a decoction or salve is applied to sores (fresh leaves)
In the treatment of skin diseases, scrofulous diseases, herpes, eczema etc; diarrhoea and also to stop the production of milk, to allay the pain of toothache, headache (bark); for ringworm, colic and applied as a poultice to inflammations (husk); in the treatment of gangrene, leprosy, and wounds (oil from ripe seeds)
The plant is used in painful complaints of the urinary organs, gravel and pulmonary disorders (such as whooping cough) and in inflammations and abscesses of the skin. The leaves and flowers are the main part used, their demulcent properties making them valuable as a poultice for bruise, inflammations, insect bites etc, or it is taken internally in the treatment of respiratory diseases (whooping cough, coughs, bronchitis) and digestive problems. The plant is a laxative for young children. Decoctions of the plant, especially of the root, are very useful where the natural mucus has been abraded from the coats of the intestines.
For all types of sores and skin injuries, to treat excessive menstruation, lung problems and digestive upsets (root); for piles, rheumatism and skin irritation.
As a tonic, as a cure for blood troubles, inflammation, ulcers, tumours and leprosy (flower); stops hemorrhaging from wounds (leaf); glandular swellings (especially in the ears and neck) (plaster from calyx); in smallpox (bark).
Stimulating the growth of hair (kernel oil). The bark is astringent and antipyretic, used to relieve itching, back pain, inflammations and ulcers. Also used to treat pruritus, adenitis, ripening boils, notalgia, arthralgia, malaria. Seed oil is used to treat pruritus, acne, dermatosis, ulcers, cephalgia, trichopathy.
Used to cool, to calm itchiness, to cure internal ulceration, as an antidote for poisoning, used to soothe sore throat and inflammation of the skin (fruits); as a drink which will expel the membrane enveloping the fetus in the womb (bark).