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Health Remedies - Alopecia |
Alopecia is the absence or slowing of hair growth in an area of the body where hair formerly grew. It is commonly called baldness. This can be a small bald patch on the head or the loss of all hair over the entire body. It is commonly called baldness. Alopecia areata is the commonest type of alopecia. It is a highly unpredictable, autoimmune skin disease which usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald areas on the scalp. It may progress to alopecia totalis, total scalp hair loss as well as alopecia universalis, complete body hair loss. Other than autoimmune disease, there may be other causes such as poor nutrition, scalp infection, fever, diabetes, lupus, thyroid disorders, child birth, chemotherapy, radiation therapy etc. |
herbs |
Acacia sinuata |
Used in alleviating pain during childbirth (seed); in biliousness (pod decoction); in skin diseases and dandruff (pod); promotes hair growth (pods) and as a mild laxative. |
Adiantum capillus-veneris |
To calm coughs, to promote perspiration and menstruation, and to treat urinary disorders, colds, rheumatism, heartburn, gallstones, alopecia (hair loss), and sour stomach (plant); applied to the forehead to relieve headaches and to the chest to relieve chest pains (frond paste) |
Aloe vera |
As a tonic, in amenorrhea, asthma, boils, bruises, burns (including those from radiation), stomach cancer, common cold, cough, digestive disorders, fever, hemorrhages, hysteria, inflammation, eye problems, jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, wound, scald, dry skin, conjunctivitis, psoriasis, hair fall, rosacea, warts and eczema; prevents opportunistic infections in cases of HIV and AIDS. |
Arctium lappa |
Liver and gallbladder problems, gastritis, ulcers, the initial onset of diabetes, alopecia, skin diseases (especially eczema), ulcers, in rheumatism, scrofulous gout, cancer, syphilis and in baldness. The herb is employed as an ointment or liniment for
burns, ulcers and other cutaneous diseases. |
Brassica nigra |
For indurations of the liver and spleen, carcinoma, throat tumors, imposthumes (seed decoction); relieves congestion by drawing the blood to the surface as in head afflictions, neuralgia and spasms, for treating alopecia, epilepsy, snakebite, and toothache (seed); |
Caesulia axillaris |
Wound healing and baldness. |
Cardiospermum halicacabum |
Pain and rheumatism (plant paste); earache, rheumatism, as a poultice on swellings (leaf), lowers blood pressure, to treat stomach diseases, rat-poisoning, snake-poisoning, cough with fever, scrotal enlargement, alopecia, anaemia and jaundice. |
Colocasia esculenta |
Snakebite antidote and alopecia (corm juice) |
Cuscuta reflexa |
Gout, bilious disorders (stem); liver problems, constipation and in "Vat roga" (stem decoction); sores and alopecia (plant). It is used internally in treating protracted fevers and externally in the treatment of itchy skin. The plant is employed in Ayurvedic medicine to treat difficulty in urinating, jaundice, muscle pain and coughs. |
Datura metel |
Ophthalmia (seed decoction); asthma (flower); swolen areas and in rheumatism (leaf); to treat fever, worms, cracks in feet, filaria, chronic coryza, rabies, alopecia, skin diseases, boils, pain in breast and insanity (root, fruit and leaves); in the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria, insanity, heart diseases, fever with catarrh, diarrhoea, skin diseases and asthma (plant). |
Dipteryx odorata |
To bathe fevered patients (bark); used for snakebites, cuts, contusions, coughs, asthma, mouth sores, rheumatism and as a shampoo in hair loss (seeds); for earaches and ear infections (seed oil) |
Eclipta prostrata |
Tetanus, baldness, long-term skin diseases, in enlargements of the liver and spleen (as a tonic and deobstruent) (plant); in catarrhal jaundice (plant juice and "aromatics"); as an antiseptic in cattle wounds etc. and in syphilis (root), removes worms, cough and indigestion, good remedy for dental disorders. Various local traditions and Ayurveda employ its parts for elephantiasis, migraine, pyorrhoea, chronic dysentery, oedema, nervous weakness, anorexia, gum troubles and to remove intestinal worms.This plant invigorates sex and consumed for fertility. It is an antidote for poisons. |
Emblica officinalis |
To treat fever, lack of appetite, piles, worms, anaemia, jaundice, intrinsic haemorrhage, hoarseness of voice, hiccough, cough, fainting, heart diseases, vomiting, burning sensation, abdominal pain, gastritis, dyspepsia, obesity, leprosy, rheumatism, erysipelas, chicken-pox, greying of hair, hair loss, diabetes, suppression of urine, leucorrhoea, burning sensation in female genitals, amenorrhea, eye diseases, for promoting intellect and to improve memory, as rejuvenative, and aphrodisiac (promotes spermatogenesis and in premature ejaculation) (fruit and seed). Local systems of medicine employ it for fever, indigestion, bronchitis, asthma, constipation, headache, liver complaint, diabetes, dysentery, ophthalmic disorders, nerve tonic, cholera, diarrhoea, nasal haemorrhage, cystitis, oedema and leucorrhoea.It has expectorant, antioxidant, anticancerous properties. |
Ficus benghalensis |
For lumbago, rheumatism, external pains, sores and ulcers, soles of the feet when cracked or inflamed and toothache (latex); in diarrhea and dysentery (bark and young bud infusion); as a poultice in abscesses (heated leaves); in diabetes (bark); as a tonic (bark and seed); in vomiting, to scalp to grow hair long (paste) and for menorrhagia (root); in gonorrhoea (root-fibres); is good tonic, effective in diabetes, dysentery, gonorrhoea and in seminal weakness (infusion of bark). |
Gloriosa superba |
Antimalarial, increasing the secretion of gastric juices, laxative and as a tonic (tuber); leprosy and anthelmintic (root); to treat arthritis , piles, boils, for extraction of foreign body, for easy delivery, baldness, scrofula and ear diseases (root powder); effective against paralysis, rheumatism, snake bite, insect bites and leaf-juice effective against lice (root-paste). Various ethnic medical practices across India employ this plant for gout, stomachache,intermittent fevers, wounds, spleen complaints, syphilis, tumours, asthma, cholera, gonorrhoea, leprosy, piles, dropsy, labour pain and for acute spasmodic pain. |
Hibiscus rosasinensis |
Checks bleeding, soothes irritated tissues and relaxes spasms, excessive and painful menstruation, cystitis, gonorrhea, feverish illnesses, bronchial catarrh, coughs, diabetes and to promote hair growth. The flowers are used in the treatment of carbuncles, mumps, fever and sores. |
Psoralea corylifolia |
Skin diseases, vitiligo, poisoning, for conception, caries, deafness, filaria, wound, as rejuvinative, febrile diseases, premature ejaculation, impotence, lower back pains, frequent urination, incontinence, bed wetting etc. It is also used externally to treat various skin ailments including leprosy, leucoderma and hair loss. |
Schleichera oleosa |
Stimulating the growth of hair (kernel oil). The bark is astringent and antipyretic, used to relieve itching, back pain, inflammations and ulcers. Also used to treat pruritus, adenitis, ripening boils, notalgia, arthralgia, malaria. Seed oil is used to treat pruritus, acne, dermatosis, ulcers, cephalgia, trichopathy. |
Semecarpus anacardium |
To treat skin diseases, vitiligo, piles, guineaworm, splenomegaly, scrofula, rheumatism, as depilatory, for regaining normal colour, as rejuvinative, as aphrodisiac, alopecia, worms, poisoning, malarial fever. |
Tectona grandis |
In bronchitis (bark decoction), inflamed eye lids (ash from wood) and anuresis (root); to relieve the swelling of eyelids (charred wood); as a hair tonic (wood oil). |
Tragia involucrata |
In baldness (fruit); as a tonic, antileprotic and diaphoretic (root). Used for treating asthma, fevers, diarrhea, excessive urination, vomiting, dermatosis, perspiration in fevers and itching of the skin. |
Tribulus terrestris |
In painful urination and impotency (fruit); in treating impotency in males, nocturnal emissions, gonorrhoea, painful urination, gout, consumption, kidney problems (including kidney stones) and incontinence of urine (decoction of seed); in treating cancer and to promote hair-growth (plant); gas, headache, ophthalmia and stomatitis (dried fruit). It is being studied as a potential herbal remedy against AIDS. |
Tropaeolum majus |
For infections of the upper respiratory tracts, for sores, genito-urinary diseases, scurvy and poor skin and hair conditions (plant); Externally used is used in the treatment of baldness, minor injuries and skin eruptions. |
Wedelia chinensis |
In cough, cephalgia and diseases of the skin, especially alopecia (leaves); in uterine haemorrhage and menorrhagia (herb decoction); antihepatotoxic (leaf powder) |