To treat inflammation of the eyes, giddiness and gleet, in urinary maladies and diarrhea (powdered); skin disorders and external ulcers, for cleaning teeth, in the removal of tapeworms and other intestinal parasites, to treat liver disorders (root decoction).
Leprosy and rheumatism (seed oil); in scabies (seed kernel); to treat eye disease, scabies, cutaneous diseases, gonorrhoea and gleet, rheumatism and gout. Used as an inhalation in migraine and vertigo.
Chronic bronchitis, gonorrhoea, gleet, in chronic cystitis, vomiting and stomach-ache, to burns; in fevers and headache (wood paste). The oil is active against Eberthella typhosa and Escherichia coli. The oil from the seeds is used in skin troubles.
As a tonic, in mild cases of debility and fever (root); in gonorrhea, gleet and scalding urine (leaf); as a demulcent (leaf and root); in diabetes (plant).