» Health Remedies » GI diseases»Diseases and disorders of the oral cavity |
Health Remedies - Stomatitis |
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous tissue of the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and roof or floor of the mouth. It is usually a painful condition, associated with redness, swelling, and occasional bleeding from the affected area. Bad breath (halitosis) may also accompany the condition. Stomatitis may occur due to many conditions such as poor oral hygiene, poorly fitted oral appliances, cheek biting, alcohol, herpetic infections (the common cold sore), gonorrhea, measles, leukemia, AIDS, lack of vitamin C etc. |
herbs |
Acacia greggii |
For conjunctivitis (pods); diarrhea and dysentery; superficial bleeding and can also be dusted into moist, chafed body folds and dusted on infants for diaper rash (powder); for the stomach and esophagus in nausea, vomiting, and hangovers (flowers and leaves); for sore throat and mouth inflammations as well as dry raspy coughing (root). |
Anthocephalus chinensis |
In anemia, fever and improving the quality of semen (plant decoction); for gargling in aphthae or stomatitis (leaves); for the inflammation of eyes (stem bark) |
Berberis vulgaris |
Diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice and skin diseases (root bark juice); sporadic fever (root bark decoction); throat and mouth irritation (fruit or root decoction); for strengthening the gums and relieving pyorrhea (fruit juice); stomach cancer and stomachache. |
Carallia brachiata |
For contagious ulcers (fruit juice); for sapraemia (leaves); used for treating oral ulcers, inflammation of the throat and stomatitis (bark) |
Carissa congesta |
Bile problems (unripe fruit); remittent fever, diarrhea, oral inflammation and earache (leaf decoction); as antiscorbutic and remedy for biliousness (ripe fruit); for itches and to lower blood pressure (roots). |
Coptis deltoidea |
In the treatment of diarrhoea, acute enteritis, dysentery, insomnia, fidgets, delirium due to high fever, inflammation of the mouth and tongue, leukaemia, conjunctivitis and otitis media, increases the phagocytosis of white blood cells on Staphylococcus aureus, is antihypertensive by dilating the coronary artery and blood vessels of the internal viscera, relaxes the smooth muscles of the blood vessels and excites the smooth muscles of the uterus, bronchi, stomach, intestines and urinary bladder (root). |
Duchesnea indica |
For boils and abscesses, weeping eczema, ringworm, stomatitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, snake and insect bites and traumatic injuries (whole plant); to activate the blood circulation (flowers); to cure skin diseases (fruit) |
Osbeckia chinensis |
Used as a drink to treat diarrhea and dysentery (decoction of the aerial part); to alleviate cough and to remove blood from saliva (juice of the roots); for toothache (plant) |
Polygonum bistorta |
In the treatment of internal and external bleeding, diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, catarrh, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, excessive menstruation, pharyngitis, snake bite, stomatitis, vaginal discharge, anal fissure, spongy gums, mouth ulcers and sore throats. |
Sesbania grandiflora |
For bruises, catarrh, dysentery, sore eyes, fevers, headaches, smallpox, sores, sorethroat, and stomatitis (plant); used in treating smallpox and other eruptive fevers (bark); to treat headache, head congestion, or stuffy nose (flower juice); poulticed onto bruises, for epilepsy, gout, itch, leprosy, nyctalopia, and ophthalmia (leaves); on rheumatic swellings, for inflammation (root powder);for anemia, bronchitis, fever, pain, thirst, and tumors (fruits); for biliousness, bronchitis, gout, nyctalopia, ozoena, and quartan fever (flowers). |
Spilanthes oleracea |
Helps to overcome nausea and vomiting by its stimulating effect on the salivary glands, dysentery, ease the pain of toothache, in non-mercurial ptyalism, and in inflammations of the mouth and throat, gouty and rheumatic affections, in uric acid gravel, in dropsical effusions, and even to remove intestinal worms. |
Tamarix articulata |
In stomatitis, sore throat, to foul sloughing ulcers, phagedenic, dysentery and diarrhea. |
Terminalia chebula |
Stomach problems, tooth decay, hemorrhoids, external wounds, ulcers, scalds, inflammation of the mouth mucosa, increases the secretion of gastric juices (fruit); in asthma, sore throat, vomiting, sore eyes, heart diseases, hiccups, indigestion, constipation etc. |
Tribulus terrestris |
In painful urination and impotency (fruit); in treating impotency in males, nocturnal emissions, gonorrhoea, painful urination, gout, consumption, kidney problems (including kidney stones) and incontinence of urine (decoction of seed); in treating cancer and to promote hair-growth (plant); gas, headache, ophthalmia and stomatitis (dried fruit). It is being studied as a potential herbal remedy against AIDS. |
Zanthoxylum alatum |
Leucoderma, problems with the spleen, diseases of the eye and ear, asthma and tumors (fruit); for gastrointestinal disorders; in treating tumours, odontalgia, cephalagia, opthalmia, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, helminthiasis, diarrhoea, hepatopathy, splenitis, strangury, fever, leucoderma, leprosy, skin diseases, cough, asthma, paralysis, gout, convulsions, diabetes, wounds, ulcers, stomatitis, pharyngitis, cardiac debility and general debility (bark and fruit) |