Health Remedies - Cervical Erosion |
Cervical erosion is a normal condition that occurs when the squamous epithelial cells grow out of the cervix. It gives the cervix a red, eroded, and infected appearance to the opening of the uterus (cervix). The common symptoms include abnormal uterine bleeding between menstrual periods and after sexual intercourse, clear or yellowish mucus discharge etc. Cervical erosion may be caused by trauma (through intercourse, tampon insertion, foreign objects in the vagina, or speculum insertion), or infection (herpes, early syphilis, severe vaginal infections), and sometimes chemicals (spermaticidal contraceptive creams or foams, douches). There is an increased risk associated with vaginal use of chemical agents or multiple sexual partners; however, the condition is also seen in women without these risk factors. |
herbs |
Sophora flavescens |
Adjunct to cancer therapy, Short-term benefits were noted in the treatment of arrhythmia, especially in cases of coronary disease and particularly in premature beats, treatment of cervix erosion, in the treatment of jaundice, dysentery, diarrhoea and urinary infections, eczema, pruritis, ringworm, leprosy, syphilis, scabies and itching allergic reactions. |