Health Remedies - Tension Headache |
Tension headache or stress headache is the most commonest type of headache. A tension headache generally produces a diffuse, usually mild to moderate pain over the head. It is also characterized by tightness around the forehead (like a "vice grip" or"band-like"), temples, neck, or back of head. Some common causative factors include tension, stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue etc. Tension headaches may occur at any age, but are most common in adults and adolescents. Tension headaches are usually relieved by rest and do not need medical attention. But if severe, persistent, recurrent, or are accompanied by other symptoms (drowsiness, vision changes, changes in alertness, nausea, vomiting etc.) it requires immediate medical attention. |
herbs |
Achillea moschata |
In the treatment of liver and kidney disorders, as a tonic to the digestive system, exhaustion, nervous headaches etc. |
Majorana hortensis |
In colic (seed and leaf); bronchial complaints, tension headaches, insomnia, anxiety, minor digestive upsets, painful menstruation, in asthma, hysteria and paralysis (plant); an external application for sprains, bruises, stiff and paralytic limbs and toothache, and for hot fomentation in acute diarrhoea (oil) |
Passiflora quadragularis |
To relieve nervous headache, asthma, diarrhea, dysentery, neurasthenia and insomnia; for bathing skin afflictions (leaf decoction); in liver complaints (leaf poultice) |
Ruta graveolens |
For colic, as an analgesic, in hysteria, giddiness, nervous headaches, palpitations and rheumatism (leaf); alleviating gall bladder stones, gallbladder pain and spasms, in amenorrhea and menopause (for hot flashes) (plant); as an emmenagogue, anthelmintic and in epilepsy (volatile oil); coughs, flatulence (flower infusion); alleviating pain. |