Diuretic |
A diuretic is a substance that increases the secretion, flow, and expulsion of urine.
Plants having 'Diuretic' activity
| Cissampelos pareira | Depresses the central nervous system (root and stem) and relaxes muscles (root); anthelmintic, astringent, reduces fever, antihistaminic and diuretic, antileukemic. | | Cissus adnata | Used as an alterative, diuretic and blood purifier (decoction of the dried tuberous roots) | | Cissus quadrangularis | Analgesic and stimulates the cardiovascular system (aerial part); diuretic and stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth (stem). | | Citrullus lanatus | Laxative (plant); diuretic, cooling, demulcent, diuretic, purgative and aphrodisiac (seed); febrifuge (leaves) | | Citrus aurantifolia | Antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antiviral, aperitif, bactericidal, febrifuge, restorative, tonic, diuretic and stimulates the central nervous system (aerial part); anthelmintic and antibilious (fruit juice), antiemetic, antitussive, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive and expectorant (fruit). An oil obtained from the seeds contains linolenic acid, which has the ability to reduce cholesterol level in the blood. | | Clematis recta | Diaphoretic, diuretic and rubefacient (flowers, leaves). | | Clematis vitalba | Analgesic, diuretic and rubefacient (leaves); | | Clerodendrum philippinum | Diuretic, antibacterial and antiphlogistic (roots); antiseptic (decoction of roots); diuretic and antiblenorrhagic (leaves) | | Clitoria ternatea | Acrid, laxative (seed, root and its bark), diuretic (root bark), alexiteric, anthelmintic, purgative, demulcent, tonic, alleviates spasms (root). | | Cnicus benedictus | Stimulates the flow of gastric juices and bile and antimicrobial. Astringent, bitter, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, strongly emetic in large doses, emmenagogue, galactogogue, stimulant, stomachic and tonic (whole plant) | | Cocculus hirsutus | The root is used as a mild laxative, sudorific and antipyretic. Alleviates spasms, anticonvulsant, lowers blood pressure, sedative, slows heartbeat and cardiotonic (root and stem); diuretic (aerial part); reduces fever and expectorant (root). | | Cochlearia officinalis | Antibacterial, adntiscorbutic, aperient, disinfectant, depurative, discutient, diuretic, rubefacient, stomachic and stimulant (plant) | | Cochlospermum religiosum | Diuretic and stimulates the cardiovascular system (stem bark). | | Cocos nucifera | Anthelmintic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, depurative, diuretic, purgative, refrigerant and stomachic as an emollient (oil extract) on the immune system, The milky juice is a refrigerant. | | Coffea arabica | Alleviates spasms (aerial part); diuretic and stimulant (seed); astringent and gentle laxative. | | Coix lachryma-jobi | The seed, with the husk removed, is antirheumatic, diuretic, pectoral, refrigerant and tonic; astringent and irritant (plant); anticancer (grain); anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, sedative, vermifuge (fruits) | | Coix lacryma-jobi | Anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, sedative and vermifuge (fruits); antitumor (plant); antirheumatic, diuretic, pectoral, refrigerant and tonic (seed without husk); anthelmintic (decoction of the roots). | | Coleus amboinicus | Antibacterial (plant); diuretic, antipyretic (leaves) | | Collinsonia canadensis | Alterative, antispasmodic, antioxidant, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, litholytic, sedative, tonic, vasodilator and vulnerary (whole plant or fresh root); emetic (leaves) | | Commelina communis | Depurative, diuretic and febrifuge (leaves); antibacterial (plant extract); diuretic (aerial parts). | | |