Sedative |
A sedative is a drug that induces sleep and has a calming effect, reducing anxiety and tension.
Plants having 'Sedative' activity
| Cymbopogon nardus | Sedative, carminative, antiseptic, antimicrobial (in vivo), emmenagogue, antispasmodic, deodorant, diaphoretic, insecticide, parasitic, tonic and stimulant (plant oil). | | Cyperus rotundus | Astringent, anthelmintic, diuretic, carminative, increases the secretion of gastric juices, stimulant and diaphoretic (tuber); antipyretic and antiinflammatory (rhizome oil)analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antispasmodic, antitussive, aromatic, contraceptive, emmenagogue, lithontripic, sedative, antierysipelas, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge. | | Daemonorops draco | Astringent, expectorant, sedative, tonic. | | Datura metel | The whole plant, but especially the leaves and seed, is anaesthetic, anodyne, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, antitussive, bronchodilator, hallucinogenic, hypnotic and mydriatic; alleviates spasms and stimulates the cardiovascular system (fruit and plant); anthelmintic, anticancer, antiseptic, sedative and narcotic (plant); antiinflammatory and analgesic. | | Datura stramonium | The leaves, flowering tops and seeds are anodyne, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, mydriatic and narcotic; kills insects (plant extract); antidandruff (fruit); narcotic (seed); intoxicating (which can be fatal) and sedative (young fruit); anticholinergic, cyanogenetic, expectorant, reduces fever, fumitory, fungicidal, hypnotic, poisonous. | | Dendranthema x grandiflorum | Antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, carminative, depurative, diaphoretic, febrifuge, ophthalmic, refrigerant and sedative (flower heads). | | Digitalis purpurea | Cardiotonic, diuretic, stimulant and tonic (leaf); promotes and stimulates the activity of all muscle tissues, improves blood flow to the kidneys and aids in removing any obstructions there thus improving urination, poisonous (can be fatal in high doses) and sedative. | | Duboisia myoporoides | Hallucinogen, intoxicant, mydriatic, narcotic, sedative and stimulant. | | Elaeocarpus sphaericus | Cardiostimulant, hypotensive, sedative, anticonvolusions, spasmolytic, choleretic and bronchodialatory (fruit); stimulates the central nervous system and hypoglycemic (stem bark). | | Eriobotrya japonica | Sedative (fruit); expectorant and insect repellent (flowers); astringent, antitussive and antidiarrheic (leaves) | | Eschscholzia californica | Antispasmodic, sedative and analgesic | | Eucommia ulmoides | Analgesic, anticholesterolemic, aphrodisiac, depurative, diuretic, hepatic, hypotensive, sedative, tonic and vasodilator (stem bark); astringent (flowers, fruits). | | Eupatorium fortunei | Anticephalgic, aphrodisiac, anodyne, diaphoretic, nerve sedative, digestive and stimulant tonic (whole plant); poison antidote (root decoction). | | Euphorbia hirta | Antiprotozoal, anticancer, lowers blood sugar, alleviates spasms, stimulates the cardiovascular system, arrests bleeding, reduces fever, soothes the skin and mucous membranes, mild laxative, sedative, relieves pain, cyanogenetic, diuretic. | | Ferula asafoetida | Alterative, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, carminative, deobstruent, deodorant, expectorant, laxative, parasiticide, sedative, stimulant, tonic. | | Ferula foetida | Antispasmodic, carminative, expectorant, laxative, sedative (gum resin) | | Ferula sumbul | Antispasmodic, aperitif, emmenagogue, mucostimulant, narcotic, nervine, sedative, stimulant, tonic, tranquilizer, uterotonic and vermifuge (root) | | Fibraurea tinctoria | Diuretic, analgesic and sedative (plant). | | Galium odoratum | Antispasmodic, cardiac, diaphoretic, diuretic, sedative (leaves); in the treatment of insomnia and nervous tension, varicose veins, biliary obstruction, hepatitis and jaundice (infusion) | | Gastrodia elata | Analgesic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, sedative and tonic (root) | | |