Antiarrhythmic |
An antiarrhythmic agent is a drug used to treat heart rhythm disorders (cardiac arrhythmias).
Plants having 'Antiarrhythmic' activity
| Alhagi pseudalhagi | Antiprotozoal, antiarrhythmic, anticancer, cooling and bitter, possesses anti-bilious,
antiseptic properties, and is a laxative, diuretic, expectorant and alleviates spasms (plant); antibacterial (leaf); antibilious (plant decoction). | | Asparagus racemosus | Anticancer, alleviates spasms and antiarrythmic (aerial part); aphrodisiac, hypothermic and galactogenic (root); antibacterial and antifungal (bark); antioxytocic and diuretic (plant); antiallergic (root extract). | | Barleria cristata | Antiarrhythmic, oxytocic, alleviates spasms and lowers blood sugar (plant). | | Calotropis gigantea | Antiarrhythmic and alleviates spasms (root); anticancer (root and leaf); hypotensive (latex); laxative (plant juice); digestive, stomachic and tonic(flower); emetic, diaphoretic, alternative and purgative (root- bark and juice). | | Cinchona officinalis | Antimalarial (plant and bark); antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic (plant); antipyretic, stringent and antiseptic (bark); antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, antispasmodic, bitter digestive aid, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart). | | Corynanthe yohimbe | Allergenic, antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, aphrodisiac, cardiotoxic, coronary-Dilator, hypertensive, myocardiodepressant, neurotoxic, peristaltic, respirastimulant, stimulant. | | Harpagophytum procumbens | Allergenic, analgesic, antiarrhythmic, antiarthritic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antirheumatic, choleretic, depurative, digestive, diuretic, hypocholesterolemic, hypotensive, laxative, secretagogue, sedative, tonic, uricolytic, uterocontractant. | | Kalanchoe spathulata | Antiarrhythmic, hypotensive and anticancer (plant); depresses the central nervous system (leaf extract); insecticidal and aids in reducing fever (leaf). | | Nardostachys grandiflora | Antispasmodic, antiarrhythmic and lowers blood pressure (essential oil); stimulant (root); tranquillizing (in monkeys and mice) carminative, deobstruent, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, laxative, nervine, sedative, stomachic. | | Nardostachys jatamansi | Lowers blood pressure and antiarrhythmic (oil); sedative, tonic, antispasmodic, analgesic, promotes hair growth and stimulant. | | Pimpinella diversifolia | Alleviates spasms, antiviral, antiarrhythmic, spermicidal and carminative (plant); antifungal (seed). | | Sida acuta | Aphrodisiac, astringent, cooling and tonic (root); antimicrobial, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic (plant). | | Solanum surattense | Anticancer (fruit and plant); alleviates spasms, stimulates the cardiovascular system and antiarrhythmic (fruit); antiviral and spermicidal (plant); expectorant and carminative (plant). | | |