Purgative |
A purgative is a drastic laxative causing a cleansing or watery evacuation of the bowels, usually with a griping pain.
Plants having 'Purgative' activity
| Abrus precatorius | Cytotoxic and anthelmintic (seed); antiestrogenic (root); stimulates the cardiovascular system (aerial part); Abortifacient (seed and root), anodyne, aphrodisiac, antimicrobial, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, febrifuge, hemostat, laxative, purgative, refrigerant, sedative, vermifuge, anti-fertility activity (Prakash & Mathur, 1976), antitumour activity | | Achyranthes aspera | Antibiotic (leaf); hypoglycemic, diuretic and laxative (plant); astringent and prevents tetanus, alterative, antiperiodic and purgative; antifungal activity against Aspergillus carneus (oil). | | Actaea alba | Alterative, emmenagogue, parturient, narcotic, purgative, and nerve stimulant (plant) | | Aframomum korarima | Tonic, carminative and purgative (seeda) | | Ageratum conyzoides | Antifungal and antibacterial (essential leaf oil); kills insects (plant); analgesic, anti-inflammatory, emetic, purgative, decoagulant, depurative, febrifuge, stimulant, vulnerary. | | Alangium salvifolium | Laxative, astringent, pungent, anthelmintic, purgative and emetic (root bark); alleviates spasms, antiprotozoal and hypoglycemic (leaf). | | Albizia adianthifolia | Anodyne and vermifuge (bark); purgative and anodyne (twig-bark decoction) | | Albizia antunesiana | Aphrodisiac and abortifacient (root); purgative (leaves) | | Albizia versicolor | Anthelmintic and purgative (root and bark decoctions) | | Albizia zygia | Purgative, stomachic, antidote, vermifuge and aphrodisiac (bark decoction); expectorant (ground roots) | | Aleurites moluccanus | Laxative (raw seed); purgative (bark oil); laxative, stimulant and sudorific (kernel). | | Aleurites trispermus | Acts as a strong purgative (seed) | | Aloe arborescens | Laxative and purgative (leaves) | | Aloe ferox | As purgative (leaf sap); laxative (boiled leaves and roots); narcotic (flower nectar) | | Aloe vera | Anti-cancerous, emmenagogue, emollient, laxative, purgative, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary, abortifacient. antiseptic. promotes or stimulates the flow of bile, decoagulant, antibacterial, demulcent, stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, ecbolic, insecticidal, anthlemintic (antitubercular), oxytocic and reduces fever. | | Aloe volkensii | | | Aloe zebrina | Purgative, disinfectant and anthelminthic (plant juice) | | Alstonia scholaris | Laxative (bark decoction); anticancer and hypotensive (stem bark); anthelmintic (bark); hypothermic and aphrodisiac (prolongs erection in males); astringent and galactogogue, antibacterial activity (Khan et al., 2003). | | Anagallis arvensis | Antitussive, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, nervine, purgative, stimulant and vulnerary (whole herb) | | Andira inermis | Narcotic, emetic, purgative, anthelmintic, laxative and vermifuge (bark) | | |