Diuretic |
A diuretic is a substance that increases the secretion, flow, and expulsion of urine.
Plants having 'Diuretic' activity
| Alchemilla xanthochlora | Alterative, antirheumatic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, sedative, styptic, tonic and vulnerary (herb) | | Aletris farinosa | Bitter, diuretic, narcotic and tonic (root); stomachic (infusion of the leaves). | | Alhagi pseudalhagi | Antiprotozoal, antiarrhythmic, anticancer, cooling and bitter, possesses anti-bilious,
antiseptic properties, and is a laxative, diuretic, expectorant and alleviates spasms (plant); antibacterial (leaf); antibilious (plant decoction). | | Alisma plantago-aquatica | Antidote, antibacterial, anticholesterolemic, diuretic and hypotensive (root); antibacterial, anticholesterolemic, diaphoretic, diuretic, hypoglycaemic and hypotensive (leaves); astringent (powdered seed). | | Allium ampeloprasum | Anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vasodilator (bulb) | | Allium cepa | Anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, homeopathic, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, lithontripic, stomachic, tonic, aphrodisiac, antidysenteric, reduces fever, helps prevent snakebite, sedative, stimulant, increases the secretion of gastric juices. mild counter-irritant, lowers blood cholesterol and blood sugar, antifungal. | | Allium fistulosum | Antibacterial, antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, galactogogue, stomachic, vermifuge and vulnerary (bulb); as a children's sedative (tea made from roots). | | Allium macrostemon | Astringent, carminative and diuretic (plant); emmenagogue, nervine and tonic (bulb) | | Allium porrum | Anticancer, fungicidal, antiseptic, tonic and parasiticidal (plant); anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, anticholesterolemic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vasodilator (bulb) | | Allium sativum | Anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, anticholesterolemic, antiseptic, cancer, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vasodilator, lowers serum blood cholesterol (while increasing the level of HDL), lowers blood fats, stimulates detoxifying enzymes (from the liver), antioxidant, antibiotic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, ascaricide and certain other parasites. | | Alnus nepalensis | Hypoglycemic and induces spasms (50% EtOH stem bark extract), diuretic. | | Alpinia galanga | Aromatic, stimulant, aphrodisiac, antifungal, hepatoprotective, cardiovascular and central nervous system stimulants, diuretic, hypothermic (rhizome); antiulcer (seed). | | Alpinia officinarum | Stimulant, carminative, diuretic and antimicrobial (rhizome); against pathogenic fungi that cause skin diseases. | | Alpinia oxyphylla | Stomachic, antidiuretic (decoction of ripe fruits). | | Alpinia zerumbet | As a stomachic, carminative, astringent, tonic and sedative (rhizome); diuretic, antihypertensive, and antiulcerogenic (decoction or infusion of leaves). | | Alstonia scholaris | Laxative (bark decoction); anticancer and hypotensive (stem bark); anthelmintic (bark); hypothermic and aphrodisiac (prolongs erection in males); astringent and galactogogue, antibacterial activity (Khan et al., 2003). | | Alternanthera pungens | | | Althaea officinalis | Demulcent, emmolient, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, mucilaginous. | | Amaranthus caudatus | Laxative (root); diuretic (plant) | | Amaranthus cruentus | Diuretic and laxative (leaves) | | |