Diuretic |
A diuretic is a substance that increases the secretion, flow, and expulsion of urine.
Plants having 'Diuretic' activity
| Frangula purshiana | Antibacterial, antiherpetic, antileukemic, antispasmodic, depurative, diuretic, emetic, hepatotonic, laxative, peristaltic and prostaglandigenic. | | Fraxinus americana | Astringent, emmenagogue and a bitter tonic (bark); diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic and strongly laxative (inner bark); aphrodisiac (seed) | | Fraxinus bungeana | Astringent, analgesic, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, diuretic and expectorant (bark) | | Fraxinus excelsior | Bitter tonic, astringent, antiperiodic (bark); astringent, cathartic, diaphoretic, mildly diuretic, laxative and purgative (leaves); carminative (seed) | | Fraxinus nigra | Diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative (leaves) | | Fraxinus rhynchophylla | Analgesic, anticoagulant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, astringent, diuretic, expectorant and stomachic (bark) | | Fritillaria imperialis | Diuretic, emollient and resolvent (bulb) | | Fumaria officinalis | Antispasmodic, aperient, cholagogue, depurative, slightly diaphoretic, mildly diuretic, laxative, hepatoprotective and weakly tonic (herb) | | Fumaria vaillantii | Bitter, slightly acrid, astringent, laxative, diuretic and alterative (plant); for blood purification and in skin diseases, especially psoriasis (decoction) | | Galega officinalis | Diaphoretic, diuretic, galactogogue and hypoglycaemic (leaves and flowering tops) | | Galeopsis segetum | Astringent, diuretic and mildly expectorant (flowering plant) | | Galium aparine | Alterative, antiphlogistic, aperient, astringent, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, tonic and vulnerary (whole plant except root) | | Galium boreale | Diaphoretic and diuretic (plant); contraceptive (decoction of plant). | | Galium odoratum | Antispasmodic, cardiac, diaphoretic, diuretic, sedative (leaves); in the treatment of insomnia and nervous tension, varicose veins, biliary obstruction, hepatitis and jaundice (infusion) | | Galium verum | Alterative, aperient, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, hemostat, pectoral, purgative, sudorific and tonic (plant). | | Garcinia morella | Laxative (heartwood, seed coat and gum resin); anthelmintic and diuretic; toxic (in high doses). | | Gaultheria procumbens | Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant and tonic (leaf and its oil). | | Genipa americana | Acts as vermifuge and diuretic (fruits); purgative (root decoction) | | Genista tinctoria | Cathartic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic, stimulant and vasoconstrictor (twigs, leaves and flowering stems) | | Gentiana crassicaulis | Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antirheumatic, diuretic, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic and hypotensive (roots) | | |