Acrid |
An acrid is a substance that has a hot bitter taste, or causes heat and irritation when applied to the skin.
Plants having 'Acrid' activity
| Acacia leucophloea | As bitter and acrid (bark) | | Amorphophallus campanulatus | Oxytocic (plant); aperient,carminative and expectorant; the fresh ones are an acrid stimulant and expectorant, and increase appetite and taste (corns); restorative, stomachic, tonic. | | Aphanamixis polystachya | Acrid, astringent, digestive, depurative, urinary astringent, ophthalmic,
anthelmintic (seed and bark); anticancer, immunosuppressive and stimulates the cardiovascular system (stem). | | Arisaema amurense | Acrid, anodyne, antibacterial, antifungal, antiphlogistic, antirheumatic, anticancer, antispasmodic, antitumor, expectorant, sedative and stomachic (root). | | Arisaema consanguineum | Anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anodyne (whole plant); acrid, anodyne, antibacterial, antifungal, antiphlogistic, antirheumatic, anticancer, antispasmodic, antitumor, expectorant, sedative and stomachic (root). | | Arisaema heterophyllum | Acrid, irritant, analgesic, anticancer, expectorant and as a sialogogue (root). | | Arisaema triphyllum | Acrid, antiseptic, antifertility, diaphoretic, expectorant, irritant and stimulant (root). | | Capparis spinosa | Analgesic, bitter, antirheumatic and diuretic (root bark); antibacterial, fungicidal and anticystic (plant juice and volatile portion of plant); anthelmintic (root); mild laxative and expectorant; acrid and astringent (dried flower bud) | | Celastrus paniculatus | The seeds are acrid, bitter, thermogenic, emollient, stimulant, intellect promoting, digestive, laxative, emetic, expectorant, appetizer, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, febrifuge and tonic, improves learning and memory and shows cognitive enhancing abilities through an anti-cholinesterase-like mechanism. | | Chelidonium majus | Antispasmodic (to the gastrointestinal tract), stimulates the flow of bile soothes and aids in healing digestive parts, kills microbes in the upper respiratory tract and sedative. Acrid, alterative, anodyne, antispasmodic, caustic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, hydrogogue, narcotic, purgative (leaves and sap) | | Cleome isocandra | Diaphoretic, rubefacient and vesicant (leaves); anthelmintic, carminative, rubefacient and vesicant (seeds); irritant, acrid, rubifacient and vesicant (bark). | | Cleome viscosa | Diaphoretic, rubefacient and vesicant (leaves); blistering and rubefacient (seed and leaf); anthelmintic, carminative, rubefacient and vesicant (seeds); rubifacient, vesicant, sudorific and antifungal properties (leaves); irritant, acrid, rubifacient and vesicant (bark). | | Clitoria ternatea | Acrid, laxative (seed, root and its bark), diuretic (root bark), alexiteric, anthelmintic, purgative, demulcent, tonic, alleviates spasms (root). | | Costus speciosus | Rhizome is bitter, astringent, acrid, cooling, purgative, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, depurative, febrifuge, expectorant, tonicanthelmintic, antiinflammatory, stimulant, antifertility and anticholinesterase activity; alleviates spasms and lowers blood pressure (seed); astringent (root). | | Cymbopogon schoenanthus | Acrid, bitter, pungent, as a diaphoretic stimulant, carminative, emmenagogue (roots and rhizome); stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic and diaphoretic (oil) | | Desmostachya bipinnata | Diuretic, emollient, astringent and galactagogue (root); diuretic, stimulant, acrid and aphrodisiac (culm) | | Diospyros peregrina | Astringent (fruit and stem bark); acrid, bitter and oleaginous (unripe fruit); cooling, anti-inflammatory, constipating, depurative and febrifuge (bark); diuretic, carminative, laxative, ophthalmic and stypic (leaves); diuretic and aphrodisiac (flowers). | | Echinochloa frumentacea | Sweet, acrid, oleaginous, cooling and digestible. | | Emblica officinalis | Acrid, coolant, refrigerant, diuretic, aphrodisiac, laxative, expectorant, cardiotonic, antipyretic, antioxidative, antiviral, anti-emetic. | | Ervatamia coronaria | Acrid, bitter and anodyne (root); anthelmintic (root bark); wood (refrigerant). | | |