Laxative |
A laxative is a food or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels by increasing the stool volume or by increasing the peristaltic movement of the intestines.
Plants having 'Laxative' activity
| Betula pubescens | Anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, diaphoretic; diuretic and laxative (bark); bitter and astringent (inner bark); anticholesterolemic and diuretic (leaves); diuretic (vernal sap) | | Boerhavia diffusa | Antidote, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, laxative, stomachic. | | Boerhavia erecta | Aphrodisiac, diuretic, stomachic, cardiotonic, hepatoprotective, laxative, anthelmintic, febrifuge, expectorant and, in higher doses, as an emetic and purgative (root) | | Boerhavia repens | Diuretic, stomachic, cardiotonic, hepatoprotective, laxative, anthelmintic, febrifuge, expectorant and, in higher doses, as an emetic and purgative (root); aphrodisiac (root decoction); emetic, diuretic and laxative (decoctions of the roots and leaves); as a mild laxative and febrifuge (infusion of whole plant); abortifacient and ecbolic (infusion of leaves) | | Borago officinalis | Antiseptic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, febrifugal, nervine, laxative, demulcent, emollient and diaphoretic (herb) | | Borassus flabellifer | Cooling, diuretic, stimulant, antiphlegmatic, laxative (sap); cooling, restorative, diuretic and anthelmintic (root) | | Bowiea volubilis | Cardiotonic, emetic, irritant, laxative, rodenticide | | Brassica oleracea | Antidiabetic, cardiotonic, stomachic, antifungal, antiulcerative, antiasthmatic and alleviates symptoms of rheumatism (leaf); increaseses secretion of gastric juices (leaf and seed); antihelmintic, diuretic, laxative and stomachic (seeds). | | Brunfelsia grandiflora | Abortifacient, alterative, anesthetic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, hypertensive, laxative, narcotic. | | Butea monosperma | Antifertility (flower and seed); anthelmintic and laxative (seed); astringent (gum); stops secretions and hemostatic, bitter, pungent, emmenagogue, alliterative,tonic, diuretic, aphrodisiac. | | Caesalpinia decapetala | Purgative (roots); astringent, anthelmintic, analgesic, antipyretic, and antimalarial (seeds); emmenagogue and laxative (leaves) | | Calotropis gigantea | Antiarrhythmic and alleviates spasms (root); anticancer (root and leaf); hypotensive (latex); laxative (plant juice); digestive, stomachic and tonic(flower); emetic, diaphoretic, alternative and purgative (root- bark and juice). | | Cannabis sativa | Anodyne, anthelmintic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, emmenagogue, febrifuge, laxative, narcotic and tonic (seed). It is a pain-killer, sleep-inducer and used to relieve some of the unpleasant side effects suffered by people undergoing chemotherapy. Stimulates the secretion of gastric juices (flower); induces sleep, aphrodisiac, on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, depresses respiration, analgesic, entheogenic, induces euphoria, hypnotic, intoxicant, narcotic, alleviates spasms. | | Canscora diffusa | Tonic, laxative, an alternative, and a nerve tonic (whole plant). | | Capparis decidua | Astringent (root bark); laxative and stimulant (plant); antibacterial (seed). | | Capparis spinosa | Analgesic, bitter, antirheumatic and diuretic (root bark); antibacterial, fungicidal and anticystic (plant juice and volatile portion of plant); anthelmintic (root); mild laxative and expectorant; acrid and astringent (dried flower bud) | | Cardiospermum halicacabum | Diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, laxative, refrigerant, rubefacient, stomachic, antiinflammatory, antibacterial and inhibits heart activity in dogs subjected to anesthesia (seed); laxative and emetic (root). | | Carica papaya | Analgesic, amebicide, antibiotic, antibacterial, cardiotonic, cholagogue, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypotensive, laxative, pectoral, stomachic, vermifuge | | Carissa congesta | Astringent (unripe fruit) and anti- tubercular activity against strains of Mycobacterium phlei and M. 607 (root); laxative (fruit) | | Carissa opaca | Laxative (root); enhances strength of heart muscle (plant); cardiac and stimulant (fruits and leaves). | | |