Emetic |
An emetic is a substance that induces nausea and vomiting. It is used when a substance such as poison or toxin has been ingested and must be expelled from the body immediately.
Plants having 'Emetic' activity
| Asclepias incarnata | Anthelmintic, carminative, diuretic, emetic, strongly laxative and stomachic (tea made from the roots) | | Atractylodes japonica | Antiemetic, appetizer, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, stomachic and tonic (rhizome) | | Atractylodes lancea | Antibacterial, antiemetic, appetizer, digestive, diuretic, hypoglycaemic, sedative, stomachic and tonic (root) | | Atriplex hortensis | Diuretic, emetic and purgative (leaves); purgative and emetic (fruits) | | Ballota nigra | Antiemetic, antispasmodic, expectorant, stimulant and vermifuge (whole plant) | | Banisteriopsis caapi | Antibacterial, antifeedant, antileishmanic, antimalarial, aphrodisiac, bradycardic, bronchospasmogenic, cardiovascular, convulsant, CNS Stimulant, cytotoxic, desmutagenic, emetic, euphoric, hallucinogen, hyperkinetic, laxative, phototoxic, protisticide, psychotropic, respiradepressant, spinodepressant, telepathic, tremorigenic, uteroactive, vermifuge (Ayahuasca) | | Baptisia tinctoria | Cholagogue, emetic, febrifuge and purgative (root); antiseptic, astringent and laxative (fresh root) | | Blighia sapida | Stomachic (leaf, bark); febrifuge, analgesic, antidote, antiemetic, antipyretic, stimulant, vulnerary. | | Boerhavia diffusa | Antidote, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, laxative, stomachic. | | Boerhavia erecta | Aphrodisiac, diuretic, stomachic, cardiotonic, hepatoprotective, laxative, anthelmintic, febrifuge, expectorant and, in higher doses, as an emetic and purgative (root) | | Boerhavia repens | Diuretic, stomachic, cardiotonic, hepatoprotective, laxative, anthelmintic, febrifuge, expectorant and, in higher doses, as an emetic and purgative (root); aphrodisiac (root decoction); emetic, diuretic and laxative (decoctions of the roots and leaves); as a mild laxative and febrifuge (infusion of whole plant); abortifacient and ecbolic (infusion of leaves) | | Bolusanthus speciosus | | | Bombax ceiba | Stimulant (root); stimulates the heart and contraction of the uterus (seed); emetic (bark); astringent (gum and bark); demulcent (flower, gum and bark). | | Borreria verticillata | Antieczematic (plant); emetic and as an antiseptic (stem and leaves) | | Bowiea volubilis | Cardiotonic, emetic, irritant, laxative, rodenticide | | Brassica nigra | Diuretic, emetic, rubefacient and stimulant (seed); antiseptic (mustard flour) | | Brugmansia x candida | Carminative, emetic, hallucinogen, intoxicant, narcotic, psychotropic, sedative, vermifuge. | | Caesalpinia nuga | Emetic (decoction from the crushed seeds); diuretic (roots); uterine tonic (powdered leaves). | | Calendula officinalis | Organic extract causes a reduction of reverse transcriptase activity accounting for its anti-HIV action (Kalvatchev), antiprotozoal and antispamodic (plant); antibacterial (essential oil and flower); reduces fever, diaphoretic, antiemetic and carminative; stimulant, bitter, tonic, sudorific, febrifuge, carminative,
anti-emetic and anthelmintic (florets). | | Calotropis gigantea | Antiarrhythmic and alleviates spasms (root); anticancer (root and leaf); hypotensive (latex); laxative (plant juice); digestive, stomachic and tonic(flower); emetic, diaphoretic, alternative and purgative (root- bark and juice). | | |