Ecbolic |
See abortifacient
Plants having 'Ecbolic ' activity
| Buddleja asiatica | Antibacterial (essential oil); abortifacient (flower); inhibitory activity against cyclo-oxygenase; abortifacient (plant) | | Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Used as a purgative and abortifacient (infusion of leaves); emmenagogue and abortifacient (roots); astringent (fruit) | | Cassia abbreviata | Purgative, stomachic, aphrodisiac, abortifacient and vermifuge (roots); purgative and abortifacient (stem bark); tonic (seed) | | Cassia alata | Anthelmintic (seeds); diuretic and purgative; abortifacient (leaves) | | Cerbera manghas | As a laxative and emetic (leaves and bark); purgative (roots and bark); abortifacient (decoction of inner bark) | | Cinchona pubescens | Abortifacient, analgesic, anesthetic, anthelminthic, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antiperiodic, antipyretic, antiseptic, cardiodepressant, cardiotonic, gastrostimulant, hypotensive, oxytocic, stimulant, teratogenic, tonic, uterotonic. | | Crescentia cujete | Abortifacient, analgesic, antidote, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, carcinogenic, choleretic, emmenagogue, emetic, expectorant, laxative, vermifuge, vulnerary. | | Crocus sativus | Abortifacient, anodyne, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, appetizer, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, narcotic, sedative, stimulant. | | Crotalaria juncea | Emmenagogue, abortifacient, refrigerant, demulcent, emetic, purgative and abortive (leaves). Root is astringent; seeds are corrective of blood, antiimplantation and toxic to the liver. | | Cyathula prostrata | Abortifacient (juice of the stem); diuretic (decoction of stem); expectorant (flowers); mild laxative (stem and leaves); haemostatic and cicatrizant (pulped plant). | | Cyperus kyllingia | An antidote to poisons and as abortifacient (roots); diuretic (decoction of rhizomes) | | Dalbergia ferruginea | Emmenagogue, and an abortifacient if the dose is excessive (decoction of the wood of the stem or root). | | Daphne genkwa | Anticoagulant, antiseptic, antitussive, antiviral, diuretic, purgative and stomachic (buds); abortifacient, anticoagulant, diuretic, purgative and vesicant (root) | | Dendrophthoe falcata | Abortifacient (stem); antiviral and lowers blood pressure (50% EtOH plant extract, excluding root); increases blood pressure and myocardial effect (leaf extract); narcotic (bark) | | Dianthus superbus | Abortifacient, contraceptive, diuretic, emmenagogue, ophthalmic, tonic and vulnerary (plant); astringent, diuretic, haemostatic, resolvent and vulnerary (flowers). | | Dictamnus albus | Abortifacient, anthelmintic, antispasmodic, aromatic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, galactogogue, stimulant and tonic (flowering stem, root bark) | | Dracontomelon dao | | | Equisetum hyemale | Abortifacient, astringent, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, haemostatic, hypotensive and styptic (whole plant) | | Ethulia conyzoides | | | Euphorbia resinifera | Abortifacient, carcinogenic, emetic, immunostimulant, irritant, laxative, rubefacient, sialagogue, toxic and vesicant. | | |